Chapter 16

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Chapter 16
Claire's POV

I got up and quickly collected my things and got dressed. I threw my backpack on and followed Nat out the balcony door. 

"Why? What's going on?" I asked again.
"They know we are here and they know we have their information. Come on we are going up to the roof and I have a jet coming to get us" she explained.
"How do you know that they know we are here?".
"There was an alert on the laptop from the cameras. I over heard their conversation About what room we are in and that he was sending people our way, just easier and less messy if we get out of here before they get here. I was actually sleeping so well for once. So I wasn't happy when the alert woke me up until I heard what they knew" Nat explained.

Was she sleeping well because I was there?

"Not like you to walk away from a fight" I said arching a brow. "Also if you need me to keep you company at night so you can sleep you just have to ask".
"I'm not walking away from a fight, I'm leaving to prevent one" Nat said back. "Who said it was because of you that I slept well anyway?" She smirked.
"Where are we meeting this jet? We should get a move on if you still want to avoid this fight" I asked.
"On the roof" she answers.
"The roof?"
"Yes Claire the roof, Now hold on to me so we go up" she said quickly.

I placed my arms around Nat's neck and she pulled me into her with her arms around my waist. I gulped at her closeness. She smelt so nice. We could literally be killed any second and all I can focus on is Nat. I mean Nat and I could take on these people I'm sure of it but being focused on a possible fight was too hard when Nat's green eyes glistened in the moonlight. She gave me a quick smile, pulled me even closer and then looked up.

Nat used a grapple hook from her belt and propelled us up to the roof with ease.
I was now very aware of how close we were, holding on to each other standing on the roof. I forgot where we were for a second. We both looked into each other's eyes. Her gaze flicking to my lips and back. I bit my lip making Nat look back down from my eyes. I wasn't sure what was going on but j was almost certain she wanted to kiss me as much as I wanted to kiss her. We both lean in even closer. Our lips nearly touching. And then all of a sudden Nat pulled away and let go of me. She walked over to the edge of the roof and a jet came into view. I didn't know what to think.

So she had wanted to kiss you too? Why did she pull away?

I was slightly hurt that she had pulled away from me.
"Nat" I called out.
Nat didn't turn around.
I didn't know what just happened and now Nat was ignoring me.

The jet landed and we bordered. Nat sat up the front with the pilot engaging in small talk and I sat in the back wondering what I did wrong.
Once the jet landed Nat got off as quick as she could and walked away. I was left in the hanger on my own.

Nat's POV
This is so unlike me. Why does something I so desperately want actually scare the hell out of me?

As soon at the jet landed I walked off quickly to get out of there. I felt like I held my breath all the way to my room. I closed the door behind me and sunk to the ground. Running my hands over my hair, I didn't know what to think. I knew for a fact I had feelings for Claire but I was scared.

You idiot! Why did I pull away?

I had so badly wanted to turn around and look at Claire while we were on the jet but I was scared to see the hurt on Claire's face again. Hurt put there by me. I wanted to get up and go face Claire. But I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Which is very unlike me. Normally I could face any situation head on.

Claire's POV
I spent the rest of the day being avoided by Nat. It was obvious. So I went to go find Kate and Yelena.

I think I've really stuffed this up. What if Nat doesn't even want to be friends any more?

Even though I really liked Nat I didn't want to lose her as a friend. I would forever hide my true feelings for her and just be her friend if that's what she wanted. the thought of not having Nat's friendship was paralysing, but the thought of not having more was worse.

I reached Yelenas bedroom door and raised my hand to knock. I held it there while I sighed. Before I could knock I heard a bedroom door open behind you. Down the other end of the hallway I saw Nat walk out of her room and quickly walk the other way. She hadn't seen me but the sight of Nat walking away from me for the third time in such a small amount of time had tears treating to spill. I Took a deep breath in and composed myself. My hand still raised in-front of the door, I knocked quietly.

"Yay you're back! You can save me from Kate trying out another new hairstyle on me!" Yelena said as she opened her bedroom door.
"You know you love it! How was the mission Claire?" Kate asked. "Get over here so I can practice some new braids".

I sat in front of Kate while she pulled my hair back and began twisting into some kind of braid.

"It was pretty straight forward, we had to make a quick getaway in the end but no issues at all" I answered as I let her play with my hair.
"I still don't know why you went" said Yelena.
"What do you mean? Fury told me I had to go" I questioned, confused as to why she would say that.
Yelena laughed and then noticed my confused look.
"You do know Nat picked you to go right?" Yelena said.
"She did? Why?" I said.
"No clue, that's what I wanted to know but she won't answer my earlier messages. She sent me a text about 5 minutes ago completely ignoring my questions and said she was going to her office and to leave her alone" Yelena explained.

Why would she pick me?

"Did you piss her off?. Yelena asked pulling me from my overthinking.
I quickly summoned an answer hoping that my hurt and confusion would not show all over my face.
"Not that I know of" I said.
Yelena just shrugged

Oh great now you knew you must have made her really mad.

"Come on you two lighten up, let's play a game or something, I'm bored" announced Kate,
The three of you spent the rest of the day playing board games and the PlayStation while eating copious amounts of food. I tried to enjoy the time with my friends but my mind kept slipping back to Nat and what happened on the roof. I had pictured kissing her, what her lips would feel like and how she would taste. I never imagined she would pull a way and walk off. I tried focusing again on the game in front of me.

Nat wasn't at dinner that night. She wasn't in the lounge with everyone else watching a movie. I knew that was because she didn't want to see me and I missed her. I actually really missed her presence. Half way through the movie I got up to leave.
"Are you ok Claire?" Wanda asked as you passed each other.
Wanda was making her way back to the lounge to join the others with some food while I made my way towards the stairs.
"I'm all good, just tried. Enjoy the rest of the movie Wanda" I half smiled.
"You and Nat must not have got a lot of sleep while you were away, she said she was too tired to Come down for dinner" Wanda laughed. "Get some sleep, I'll see you tomorrow".
"Good night Wanda". I said as we both turned in different directions.

Once I was back in my room I had a quick shower and jumped into bed. How can one night of sleeping next to Nat make my bed suddenly feel so empty and cold. I decided that even if I woke up during the night I wouldn't go downstairs in case I ran into Nat. I wanted to give her space.

How did such a good time with Nat over the last few days turn to absolute shit so quickly?

I sighed looking up at the ceiling. My mind was racing and you couldn't stop thinking.

Overthinking really is a bitch!

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