Chapter 32

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A/N: decided to give you guys a second chapter today so we can start getting to the better chapters ahead haha. Enjoy!

Chapter 32
Claire's POV

My eyes flutter open slowly. The room is dim with soft light starting to leak through to the top of the blinds over the window. It took me a second to realise that I wasn't in my room, I was in Nat's. We must have fallen asleep last night while we were talking in bed. I smiled remembering the events and amount of orgasms from last night. Nat was asleep beside me facing the other way. Her soft and shiny red hair fanned out in the pillow behind her. She is usually a very light sleeper so when she didn't stir when I got up I decided to leave her sleep. I got ready for the day and headed downstairs.

Nat's POV
I woke up seeing light flooding my room. I always woke up every morning before the sun was fully up so I was slightly confused. I stretched and let out a yawn. I then remembered Claire had been here last night.

Where was Claire?

Just as I had the thought Claire walked into my room holding two plates and smiling.

"You're awake" She said cheerfully.
"Breakfast?" I questioned. 
Claire nodded as she past me the plate.
"Why didn't you wake me?" I asked.
"You were sleeping so peacefully. I didn't want to wake you up if you needed the sleep" she answered. "Everyone is getting ready anyway so they won't even notice that we are not down there yet".
"How long until they leave?" I said in between mouthfuls of food.
"When I was downstairs Wanda said they were leaving in an hour so once we are finished eating we can go down to the hanger" Claire explained.

We finished breakfast and Claire sat on my bed telling me about a book she had started while I started getting dressed.

"Do you think anyone knows about us?" Claire suddenly asked.
I poked my head out of the walk in wardrobe to look at her.
"I doubt it, surely someone would have said something by now if they did" I answered. "I know Clint and Yelena have their suspicions but they don't know anything for certain, why do you ask?".
"No reason at all I was just thinking about it and wondering if anyone had caught on yet" Claire laughed.
I smiled in return and continued getting ready.

Should we tell people about us yet? I think I still want to keep our relationship to ourselves for now.

When I was dressed I walked towards my bathroom noticing Claire wasn't in the bed. She was standing at the sink in the bathroom fixing her hair in the mirror. I walked up behind her snaking my arms around her waist.

"I hate when you use your powers to make your steps soundless" I admitted.
"Sorry I didn't know you didn't like it, I can stop doing it" Claire smiled and leant back into my embrace.
"I like hearing you move around my room. And knowing where you are" I said nuzzling into her neck. "I could get really used to this".
"To what?" Claire asked.
"To going to sleep with you in my bed, waking up next to you, eating breakfast with you, just all the normal things" I explained.
"I like doing normal things with you too" Claire turned around and placed her lips on mine.
"As much as I don't want to right now we do have to go downstairs to say goodbye" Claire said breaking the kiss.

I groaned but knew I was about to have Claire all to myself alone in this part of the compound for a week.

Claire's POV
I headed to the kitchen to clean up the dishes from breakfast while Nat went to the hangers. I then followed and made my way to the hangers as well. Everyone was almost ready to leave. Nat was talking to Steve when I walked in. I felt someone approaching behind me. The small shift from his arrows behind him gave away that it was Clint.

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