Ch - 17

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" If you make any rash decisions you might end up killing your companions and youself "

Yichen did not say anything but he knew Xuran was right .

The he asked " what are your powers ? "

Xuran , " I have wood and mental type powers "

" I can grow vegetables and also use them to attack , "

" And I can detect , any living thing within a fixed range "

" Now the land and water has also been polluted , and we can not drink water without boiling them , but the water produced from water type person can be consumed directly , so Xiao Zhan would be responsible for providing water "

" And one fire power would stay at home to help in making fire for cooking because gas, water , electricity , these things are limited ."

Zhang Yichen " How much food do we have , it might not be enough for all of  us , is it ? "

Xuran " don't worry we have enough food and water for the time being , even if you guys are added it's still enough to last a month "

Zhang Yichen asked " why do you have so much food ? its as if you were already prepared "

Xuran " before coming here I had just planed to open a mall,  so i bought a lot of edible things , and other things , they are still stocked up in the store room , as long as there is electricity , these food won't go bad "

" ofcourse you will be responsible for supplying electricity "

" Just charge the battery , it can last a day "

Yichen nodded

For the next few days they started taking turns to go out .

First team was of   Xiumin , Xuran ,  Xiao Ling , Lu Shiyi and Xu Huan .

And second Xiao Zhan , Lu Han , Cheng Yi and Yichen .

Xurans team went to nearby villages to collect grains , villagers might have stored .

Zhang Yichen's team was responsible for clearing zombies on roads and highways .

They used Xuran's car to go out because their car was greatly damaged , in the accident .

After a few days , government announced that they would be conducting rescue operations .

and also shared the locations of different bases being build in the country .

Zhang Yichen wanted to discuss this matter with Xuran .

He knocked on the door , Xuran was awake and was trying to use his mental power , he had already sensed someone coming .

So he went to open the door and saw  Zhang Yichen .

Xuran " what happened "

Zhang Yichen " I wanted to talk with you about something "

Xuran gave him way to enter the room .

Zhang Yichen entered and saw there were many pots of plants in the room , mainly containing vegetables , but the room was clean and cozy .

With a faint light and pleasent fragerance.

He did not know if it was an illusion , but he always felt  refreshed when he is with Xuran , just like last time in the kitchen .

Xuran guestured him to sit on bed , they both sat down .

Yichen " Me and my team would go to capital , would you come with us ? "

" although it is very safe here right now  but if , for any reason zombie enter this area you won't be able to deal with it alone "

Xuran listened and knew he could not stay here forever he had to become strong and also train his kids to be stronger .

Xuran " I will go with you "

" And also the kids "

Yichen nooded

Xuran " how about we leave for capital in three days "

Yichen " OK "

He knew it would take some time to make neccessary preprations .

Next day in the morning Xuran went in garage and took out the RV from the space .

After breakfast he told everyone to come with him and took them to garage .

He showed them the RV , at first they were surprised .

Lu Han and Xiao Ling " dad can we go inside and take a look "

Xuran nooded and took out the keys from his pocked and oppened the door for the kids and then turned around and said .

" there are two floors in this RV , lower floor has a kitchen , washroom , and Two sleeping bags installed firmly ."

" while the upper floor is divided in three rooms with mattress on the floor"

" two adults can easily sleep in one room and there is a cupboard in each room ."

"  all the neccessary things are there in the kitchen , which can be used for cooking , and there is also a battery which can work if you use thunder power to charge it ."

" beside kitchen there is a lot of empty space which can be used to store things ."

They were all happy to listen him say all this .

Zhang Yichen " Xuran , Thank you "

Xuran was startled by Yichen suddenly saying thank you to him .

Yichen " we are really greatfull to you for helping us that day , otherwise we might have been in critical condition  "

" And even today , you took out your vehicle and did not think we would take it away from you or anything bad "

" You also cooked without complaining while were injured and took care of us when we had fever that night , "

" Also taught  to use our powers and prevented us from making a rash decision of returning to capital in a hurry "

" Thank you very much "

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