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Yichen looked at their hands clasped together .

This was the first time someone ever stood up for him , and his heart was a little sour looking at Xurans face .

Although his face was cold but his eyes held the warmth and support for him .

He suddenly stopped and hugged Xuran tightly from behind .

Xuran was stunned but then struggled to get out of the grip .

But Yichen held him even stronger burried his head in Xurans neck and said " what she said was true."

Xuran stopped struggling and listened.

Yichen " I am an unwanted child , my mother has long been dead and my father hates me , "

" he cheated on my mother , kept a mistress and daughter outside "

" he bought them back on the day my mother died "

" she has always taken away everything i ever had since childhood and lied that i bullied her to throw me out of the house ."

At this time Xuran finally understood why the villian always had conflicts with female lead .

But he won't let Yichen die this time .

Xuran " well , I am glad that you did not grow up to be a bartard like your father."

" see you were soilder strong and independent ."

" Your mother must be happy to see her son become so capable . "

Yichen " but i like boys not girls , that is why dad hates me "

Xuran " there is nothing wrong with liking a boy , as long as you have a person you love and care about , gender should not matter ."

Yichen " do you really like Han Yanyan "

Xuran " when did i say i like her , we use to study in same uni in the past , but i haven't even seen her for more than a year "

" if it wasn't for her coming to prove her presence , i might not even remember her "

" and didn't i say i had no plans of finding a lover "

Yichen " then why did she say you like her ? "

Xuran " i just helped her a few times and we had a few interactions but , i never said i liked her , that's her own dillusion ."

Yichen " can you not like her , please "

Xuran " i won't ! "

Yichen let go of Xuran , took his hands and came back to the appartment .

Xuran could see  Yichen was still feeling very low .

So he decided to make a good dinner tonight to lift his mood .

Han Yanyan was a female protagonist , so naturally she wasn't weak .

She had wind and water type powers .

Dual power users were very popular in base .

So she had many suitors including the original male lead .

Xuran was a little worried , this is a world of book , what if Han Yanyan still had the halo of female protagonist , it might end up hurting Yichen .

He should defeat Yanyan first , to prevent Yichen from getting hurt .

At night after dinner , Yichen came to Xuran's room and asked " can I sleep with you tonight ."

Xuran hesitated but then nodded and gave him space to enter the room .

That night Yichen again slept with Xuran in his arms .

Although Xuran did not realise it but he cares a lot about Yichen .

Otherwise he would not have let anyone enter his room to sleep with him like that .

During this time grandpa Gu started coming to Xuran's house for lunch and dinner .

While the kids mostly practiced cultivation from the new books given by their dad .

Including wind , fire and metal type .

And Xuran spent a lot of time in space  harvesting crops and arranging supplies .

Two days later at night he called the kids to his room .

Xuran " how is your practice going , if you don't understand anything you can ask me anytime ."

kids " alright dad "

Xu Huan " don't worry dad i always supervise them and they are doing well , we all have reached 3 rd level ."

Xuran nodded .

Then went up and took out three bags from drawers .

And gave one to each and said "  these are storage bags about 50 cubic metre space each ."

" I have already put some important supplies , which occupies about 20 cubic metre "

" there are food , chocolates , water noodles , bread, medicines , clothes etc ."

kids were surprised to hear this , in their eyes their dad was the strongest .

They hugged Xuran and thanked him one by one .

On the other side , Han Yanyan was breaking things in the house and screaming like crazy .

She had heard Xuran was the grandson of Commander Gu.

So she went to Xuran to curry favour from him .

She always thought she could take advantage of Xuran's feelings for her , but she saw him with Yichen .

She hated Yichen , because of him she was an illegitimate child , who had no respect .

She always wanted to snatch every thing he had and seeing Xuran defending him she almost went crazy with hatered .

Han Yanyan " just wait you bastard , i will take Xuran away from you . "

She asked about Xuran's house , and finally got the location .

She went to his house and knocked on the door .

Xuran was not at home he went to grandpa Gu , with others to tell him about space jade and also give him some supplies .

So kids were at home , they went to open the door .

Xu Huan " who are you and what do you want ? "

Han Yanyan  was surprised to see three kids in the house , but she still politely asked " does Xuran lives here ? "

Xu Huan " yes "

Han Yanyan looked a bit disdaintful at the kids then said " then ask him to come and meet me "

Xu Huan " sorry, dad is not at home right now , you can come some other day ."

Han Yanyan was startled to hear the kid calling Xuran dad .

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