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(Tohka's POV, during school)
   "Why did you make Shido grab your chest?" I asked the white hair girl whose name I already forgotten who was giving me a blank expression and said "We're dating so its no problem, and proof that no other girl can claim him, like someone as stupid as you can't have him." I was offended and angry, I can admit I'm not as bright as most people, but I'm not stupid even Tenka can vouch for me. I knew right away that she was not going to be a friend to me anytime soon, I sat next to Shido and did my best to concentrate.

    The day ended with not much else going on apart from that dumb Origami girl making our classmates think Shido is a.....whats the word again....a hentai? Whatever that means I just felt bad for Shido, I was prepared to help him but I was told to leave when Tenka said we had some buisness to deal with. "Onee chan, I want to hang out with Shido." I said giving her my best pout face, but it wasn't very good as she gave me a look of disgust.

   She walked towards me and slammed her hand against the wall bluntlu saying "Fuck no, I'm not letting that hentai go near you. I swore mom I would always protect you ever since dad passed away. I will not let my baby sister get harmed by a hentai." Her hair covered her face hiding her eyes that I knew had anger, I pushed her away and ran off to find Shido not caring about the word or why Tenka was protecting me.

      I saw Shido at his shoe locker, I was about to say something when I saw that girl...standing next to him and talking with him I could see some uncomfortable looks he had, I knew I had to help. "Shido! Hey, can you walk me home today? I'm still kinda new with this place and I don't remember my way home." I said trying to play dumb a little which I think was needed as he nodded and took his shoes out his locker and we left leaving that weird girl.

   "Uh Tohka can I ask why are we at the bakery?" Shido asked me as I came out the bakery with a paper bag full of kinako pan, I smiled and said "I was hunrgy for a snack and I wanted some kinako pan." I took a bite from one of the pan and squealed in delight "Umu, this is what I wanted. The tasty kinako pan is my all time favorite snack." We continued our way to our homes when I saw a girl with green hair holding up a sign that read "Hungry, any food is good."

Me and Shido saw this girl who looked almost near the same age as Kotori but she looked a few centimeters smaller than her, her hair looked pretty and she seemed to only have a hoodie on.

   Shido walked towards this girl and squatted and looked at her asking nicely "Hey, where are your parents? Did you get lost or something?" The girl stood quiet and pulled the hood up covering her face, that was an odd behavior but then again we ...

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   Shido walked towards this girl and squatted and looked at her asking nicely "Hey, where are your parents? Did you get lost or something?" The girl stood quiet and pulled the hood up covering her face, that was an odd behavior but then again we were strangers. I pulled out some of my kinako pan from the bag and handed it to the girl and told her she can have some. The girl gave me a look, taking the bread and running off. "She didn't say thank you, that was rude." I said which Shido shook his head, I was confused but we continued our way home.

     Once we arrived home we began to do our homework (or more like Shido did his and I ate kinako pan) I came up with the idea of us trying and getting to know each other. Shido said yes and left to get us some drinks as I felt my socks feeling ichy for some unknown reason, I pulled them off and tossed them aside to cool off as we continued homework.

   I yawned and stretched happy that it was finally done. "That was good, wasn't it Shido?" I said which he gave me a nod too, I gave him a quick hug grabbing my stuff and walking back to my apartment where I caught sight of Tenka who was giving me a angry look. "Hey Onee chan, whats going on?" I asked handing her a kinako pan to which she slapped out my hand and pulled me inside.

(Shido's POV)
    This was such a weird day, and a day I am not looking forward to if this stuff ever happens again. I began to clean up the table when I notice Tohka left her socks and her jacket, behind. "She seemed in a hurry, better wash them and return them in the morning." I said gathering those item and making my way towards the laundry room to wash them and along with other clothes. I began to wonder if things will be normal from now on, I just hope so. "Onii chan, whats for dinner!" I heard Kotori yelling out as I left the clothes to wash while going to the kitchen to prepare dinner for the two of us. But what also went through my mind is that girl we met, she seemed troubled and perhaps something is going on. Tomorrow would be the weekend, maybe we can find her and help her I just hope things will be okay for her til tomorrow.

(????'s POV)
Small bites, just small bites I need to keep this around I don't know when someone will do this again. I made sure my door was locked and had a chair proped up against it so she wouldn't enter and steal my food. "Thank you.....I....I thank you..." I whispered as I ate the bread while letting my tears fall down my cheeks, I need to get away from here soon or else I won't last til the end of the month.

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