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Author's Note: Okay close to 10 chapters and I know this is confusion. And whats tue confusion?........Why did I introduce Mana in a weird way and what did I mean by she got adopted? Let me explain: well....tbh I have no logical explanation, a follower and fan of the series asked if I was gonna add Mana and I figure add her as she rarely get attention (which is accurate) As to why her and Kotori have a history........you got me beat, I'm just doing my best with this story. Granted this is one of the harder animes to do a fanfic AU of with the established cast but I'm doing the best I can. If I fail at the chapter and it doesnt make sense I may delete the chapters and re write them better to keep them as the expectaion of my Konosuba fanfic...again I'm doing my best, and I hope this story is as good to you all and if this ends up sucking or plot aint making sense or other i will rewrite this ENTIRE story

(Kotori's POV)
   I began to look at Mana, I was still confused and asked who adopted her and she told me that a woman named Mio Takamiya adopted her, I blinked my eyes and I squealed in excitement. "You're our neighbor now Mana! Mio Takamiya is Shido and mine neighbor." I said with joy and held her hands with happiness, but at the same time I felt a pain in my chest when I said Onii chan's name. "You still haven't told him that you and him aren't related? Hasn't he realized that yet?" Mana asked me as I held my head down, I didn't want her to see my face drenched in tears. "Kotori, he will bound to find out about it, why haven't you told him the truth? I know you're a clever girl, you been friends with us for a while now and yet Shido has yet to realize you're not his sister yet? I get that since he came into your life its been somewhat cool but now I can be reunited with my big brother are-"

   I lifted my head up, exposing my tear drenched face, and I bursted out into crying I cried hard with so much emotional distress. "I don't want to loose him! He means so much to me, I know what I did was selfish but he was kind to me and he was the best thing to happen, even my mom and dad were happy about taking him in and I thought things would be great....but with you back....its going to make things harder for me!" I screamed gripping my pigtails and yanking on them. Ever since Shido was adopted from an orphanage when he was 7 and Mana was 5, we been through so much. Mana gave me a comforting hug but I was still hurting, I was hurting so much. "Mana...I....I need time alone, I have alot of things to figure out...and I need time to myself.....but congrats." I said running away from Mana, ignoing her bye and I shut the door to my room before I cried my eyes out again.

(Natsumi's POV, Comico)
   "I'm so happy that the hospital allowed us to come out and enjoy Comico. It looks so amazing when I see video online." Yoshino said as she held my hand tightly as to not be seperated, and so far its working. But beside that white hair girl taking Yoshinon away from Yoshono, the day was pretty much....well fun...I guess. "Natsumi they have some cute mangas of rabbits, maybe we can get Yoshinon to read it to us...isnt that a good idea?" Yoshino chimed in with her cheerful attitude like she was a sweet candy and she gave off happiness despite her illness. "Yeah, that sounds good." I said before being bumped into someone landing on my butt, I winced in pain. "Watch it kid, hasn't anyone taught you manners?" I heard the voice and looked up barely able to make out their apperance apart from the hair color it looked like a blonde I think, but the sun hit my face too much for me to take a second guess.

   "Just watch it or next time it won't be just a warning." The voice said as they left, leaving me in a state of confusion.

(?????'s POV)
A single photograph of her was all we had, her wereabouts unknown but we will find her and bring her back, after all once a member of DEM....is always a member of DEM.

Author's Note 2: Yeah, again sorry about the short chapters its not due to me hating my story its just I'm deeply confused of how to make this perfect. Just a heads up if this story gets unpublished, that meand I'm re writting this whole story from scratch but lets hope not.

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