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Author's Note: I hope you are ready for the next girl, cause I think many MANY of you will be thirsty after this chapter. No lemons till the later chapters aka in the 20s or 30s count. But you many of you will love this chapter.

(Tohka's POV, School)
    I tried to check up on Shido but every attempt I tried to check in on him Tenka would grab my ear and tug on it forcing me away from looking at Shido. "Onee chan why are you forbidding me from at least looking at Shido, I told you nothing happened that day. We just went to his place to do homework together, nothing happened." I whispered to her as she gave me a look of not believing me and continued her classwork, I was feeling a bit hurt that she didn't trust Shido but he is a nice boy.

    "Boys like him just hide their urges from people in public, once alone they become savage beasts who want to abuse their power against girls, he may not show it but you know I'm correct little sister." Tenka said as she broke a pencil, making the class go silent a little at least that what I thought caused the silence. "Oh she is here, attention class we have a new student coming in today. She just transfered and is hoping to make new memories. You can introduce yourself." The teacher (whose name I forgot) said as the new studen walked in.

     She walked in with a gentle step, and bowed to the class and spoke "Its nice to meet you all. My name is Kurumi Tokisaki, and I hope to be in your care please treat me well." Alot of the class were in awe, including most of the girls too. And I could see why, this girl looked very pretty, she wore the school uniform but somehow made it look more cooler her skin looked like it was a flawless marble, her eye that wasn't behind her beautiful black hair (which was tied with two seperate hairbands) was a red color like a ruby and it gave off a slight sparkle if hitting the light

 And I could see why, this girl looked very pretty, she wore the school uniform but somehow made it look more cooler her skin looked like it was a flawless marble, her eye that wasn't behind her beautiful black hair (which was tied with two sepera...

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  "Oh wow, that girl looks hot." A student said, as some others agree as other said she looked pretty. I thought to myself "She looks like a goddess among humans, that elegance she has is a rarity among other girls. She looks like she came out of a manga or a magazine, she looks so beautiful and sexy." I mentally said to myself as she walked towards me, Tenka, Shido and that dumb girl who tried to make Shido uncomfortable.

    "Are you Shido?" She asked with that sultry beautiful voice, Shido nodded and she said "I'll be in your care, treat me well."

    I blushed a little for some unknown reason as she was close to all of us, she looked at each of us and she said "A small rainbow of sorts, very cute."

     The rest of the day went by as usual, apart from the occasional comment from Kurumi and other students. At the end of the day me and Tenka went towards our shoe lockers when we saw Shido, I took my chance to run towards him and hug him apologizing for not talking to him most of the day. "Oh its okay Tohka, I know your sister is a bit over protective but its quite alright just tell her I never mean any harm. Oh also you forgot these at my place." He handed me my socks and my jacket, I wad confused till I remembered that we spent time together a few days ago and I left them behind. "Ah, no wonder why my feet got sweaty after leaving....ehehe...sorry Shido I didn't mean to do that."

    Shido gave me a smile and said it was no problem for him it wasn't a hurdle or issue for him. As I held the clothes he handed back to me, I fel something strange going on in my chest something weird but I thought nothing of it. I left to go back to Tenka who didn't notice me gone and we both left to home.

(Kurumi's POV)
   After that purple hair girl and her sister left, I kept an eye out for Shido waiting for him to be all alone before I went for my plan. I adjusted my top and skirt and walked towards him from behind keep an eye out for anyone else from hearing this. Everytime he looked behind, I hid behind some street lights or buildings a smile crept up more and more on my face. I kept following till we arrived at a crosswalk that wasn't over crowded and I made my move. "Excuse me Shido." I said which spooked him a little as he realized it was. "Oh you're Kurumi right. How can I help you?"

     "What do you say us going on a date this weekend?" I asked licking my lips ever so slightly as to not freak him out. "Uh...a..a...a date? But why me we barely even know-" I cut him off with quick kiss on the lips and gave him a little stare. "Just anwser the question, my honey~."

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