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(Kurumi's POV, Aracade)
   These claw games are difficult ones at that, trying to get a prize should be easier but at the same time that is what makes it fun. I gave my "friend" a glance to the side, and by friend I mean worst annoying pest. "Ara ara, seems you aren't doing so well Tobiichi. Must be a bad crane game player." I said as I discreetly gave her the middle finger and continued playing, I was trying to obtain a plush toy that I think Shido would love and would make him want to date me. "Oh my sweet Shido, this plush will be a sure fire way to get you to me mine~." I said feeling a little dampness in my panties at the thought of Shido and me together.

    "You know its quite ironic and hypocritical you asume me to be a pervert when you seem like one yourself you c***." Tobiichi said as she left to get more coins, I took a glance at her machine prize: a panda phone charm, I was interested in why these prizes. I saw there was one close to being able to fall in the hole, I glanced around to see if Tobiichi was around with I sight I slipped a coin in and won the prize with ease. I slipped it in my school bag and got back into position acting normally.

    "Where is the panda? Hey Tokisaki, you see who won Shido's gift?" Tobiichi said as I faked not knowing as I was trying to win the plush. She gave me a glance and turned away going to find a different prize, I just chuckled and left my machine "Such a airheaded dummy." I said leaving the arcade, and thinking about Shido yet again.

(Shido's POV, Nia's Apartment)
  I was covering my face in embrassment, towel over my lower half and under and pants in the washing machine. "Seems my talk stimulated you too much huh boy? Sorry about that if you like I be happy to j**** your **** for free." She said to me, my crotch slowly twitched as I told her I didn't want to experince that again. She sighed and sat near me, I was worried she was going to do something to me. "You know, since that was your first climax you must be into girls alot. Hell I didn't even get into boy's love yet, although I could tell you are a timid bottom." She said, making me get a little flustered, "Please...don't say things like that to me..." I said to which Reine apologized and left returning with my pants and underwear, I swiftly pulled them on and thanked her and was about to leave when she said "At least try and date that girl just one time, who knows you may like that girl."

(Mana's Apartment, Kotori's POV)
  "Thanks alot Mana for helping me with this plan, I hope things work out well for me and Onii chan." I said giving her another hug prepared to get ready to leave. "Oh hang on Kotori, I found this in Reine's room, she didn't seem to need it and I figure you could use it." Mana said handing me a bag, I was about to ask what it was but she told me to take it out. With slight hesitance I lifted the item up and blushed very red. " sure she doesn't need it?" I asked begging this was a pratical joke.

   "Nope, she has alot of those I'm sure she won't miss one. Go on lets get you home okay sis?" Manan said helping me out to next door, I looked at her and gave a slight blush, this was a first I ever been called sister by someone other than Onii chan. "Thank you....sister, it was fun hanging out. And uh....thanks for the gift...." I said while Mana rested me in my bed and leaving me with a cheek kiss and a hug. I pulled out the item out and gulped. "Why did Mana think I needed....a.....a....a....a...vibrator...of all things...." I said looking at the package, it was still in its wrapping no hint of opening, it did the right size?..gah what am I thinking..I set it aside and tried to get some sleep.

(Kaguya's POV)
  "Okay Yuzuru, how will we determine who gets to try and seduce that Shido guy?" I asked her while we snacked on potato chips and drank some soda and jucies. "Attempt. Its not easy to figure out a good idea, every idea we wrote has cons that out weigh the pros, its like this is a serious Catch 22 for us." Yuzuru said confusing me, causing me to groan in annoyance. "Must you actually confuse me, you know I'm not that good with literatue stuff. Can't you just speak normally?" I asked which gave me a response of "Denied, my speech pattern is a unique quirk and it makes us different."

    I gave her a look and told her we were nearly identical and our only main difference was our hairstyles. "Innacurate. Our chest sizes are much different, you're smaller than me." She said as she continued writing on her paper, I just got irked more. "W..whatever have you come up with a plan?" I asked which Yuzuru gave me a thumbs up, I smiles a little at the plan she had.

(Yoshinon's POV)
Well things really have went crazy for Yoshino and Natsumi, if I was a real person I would give Natsumi my blessing but I'm just a bunny. But anyway, let me give you some updates on the little couple. After Yoshino was given the clearance, her and Natsumi were prepared to leave when the nurse Miss. Murasame asked where would they be going, Natsumi admitted they would try to find jobs to earn money to get a room in the apartments that was nearby, apparently we learned that her sister and herself (along with 3 daughters) were the only occupants in the apartments.

    They were told they were allowed to stay in a room free of charge, which personally I found was fishy but I knew Yoshino knew best. And so now the three of us lived in a apartment room which was very roomy and spacious. "Well we have a home....I guess we can focus on finding jobs to make a living....even if its a little something. We need clothes, food, and other things. What can we get a job for. Something that is easy for us and allow us to stay together?" Yoshino asked as they both thought till they came up working part time at a manga/anime store in town. I was honestly happy for them, with what Natsumi said about her past I don't think anyome else deserve some happiness like Yoshino beside her.

(Natsumi's POV)
    I pressed my lips softly against her lips, our eye contact not breaking this urge of love and happiness grew in my body and mind. "Hey Yoshino, I kinda want a cuter nickname that my honey, I mean its cute but I know you have cuter ideas." I said as I pulled her to me, causing our feet to make contact with one another and fall onto the couch. "Hmmmm how about......

Author's Note: 15 down, and many more to come

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