Finally, Some Communication

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After such an eventful evening, Sakura has trouble sleeping. She can't believe she attacked Sasuke like that, especially while at the office! What's more humiliating? She fainted! The fact is alarming, so she schedules an appointment with her family doctor for Friday, the day after tomorrow. She feels fine otherwise, so she doesn't see it as something too serious. When she was younger, she often had fainting spells due to a weak constitution. While she's worked hard to strengthen her mind and body, it's always a possibility that her immune system didn't fight off some kind of minor infection. To put things plainly, she isn't overly worried about it.

The pinkette all but drags her feet while approaching the Uchiha corp building the next morning, Wednesday. When Sakura arrives at the office door, she refuses to let herself hesitate and walks in, head high with faux confidence.

Sasuke looks right at her. Unlike lately, he doesn't avert his gaze. Instead, he waits for her to put her things away and sit at her desk before speaking. It's clear by his hesitant tone that he's unsure of how to approach the situation, "Are you...alright?"

Blush dares rise to Sakura's cheeks, but she somehow prevents it. She nods, searching the man's handsome face for emotions he may try to mask, "Thank you for taking me home yesterday. It must've been uncomfortable for you."

All of her attention is drawn to the Uchiha man's lips because they twitch as though he wants to smirk at her. He doesn't, though. Instead, he says in his usual, semi-emotionless voice, "After work today.... Dinner?"

Sakura's mouth opens as she tries to come up with a response. She's just so surprised by his sudden invitation. No words come out as her control slips, blush warming her face steadily.

Sasuke's lips do turn up into a smirk this time, nearly a smile, as he releases her gaze by looking at his computer screen, "It'd be inappropriate to talk here, don't you agree?"

Irritation meets Sakura's brow. It twitches as her blush fades. He made it sound like a date on purpose to tease her, didn't he? What a jerk.

Huffing angrily, Sakura texts Karin, 'Where the hell are you? It's been three days! You can't be that sick!'

As if she'd been outside waiting for that cue, Karin struts in with a satisfied grin and coffees in hand, "Good morning, you two! Did you miss me?"

Sasuke simply grunts a thank you out when he's handed his drink, but Sakura glares at her friend when she's given hers, "You look like you're feeling better."

Karin sighs dreamily, tossing her long hair over her shoulder while sitting at her own desk. A glint of mischief meets her eye as she waggles her brow at the pinkette, "Much better."

The day continues semi-uneventfully. After lunch, the other two leave to do their rounds, leaving Sakura to hold down the fort, just like old times. A nostalgic sensation warms her chest as she digitizes the files of new clients, her foot tapping happily. In the afternoon, around four o'clock, a knock comes at the door. Sakura stands to answer it, but tit opens before she can even take a step. She'd usually expect Sai or Itachi but both were out of the office this week. No, someone she very much does not want to see steps through the door.

"It's you," A familiar, gruff voice meets her ears.

Snapping out of her stupor, Sakura bows and steps out from behind her desk, "Good afternoon, Sir. Director Uchiha isn't-" "I'm aware of my son's whereabouts."

The woman's face pales at Fugaku's cold demeanor. She tries to remain composed while trying again, "I see... How may I be of service to you, then?"

The Uchiha patriarch and CEO looks down his straight nose at her as though staring at a sick and abandoned stray puppy on the side of the road. And he doesn't seem like an animal person, so the expression leans toward disgust.

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