Prayers For Sisters & Brothers

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A Little Prayer For My Sisters/My Brothers.

Sometimes the circumstance of the moment when you want to pray and know you need to pray for someone can't be executed with a very long prayer speech over them.

Father in heaven I pray for my sisters and brothers as their days begin. Bless them all in all of their endeavors for today so that they will be fruitful for them in Jesus' name amen.

Heavenly Father as sisters and brothers round the globe are about to take their exams give them the wisdom to aid them in acing it. Protect them as they go to school and come back to their homes later. Bless all these children and may they grow in grace for the rest of their days in Jesus' name I pray amen.

Father, I pray for peace and comfort upon my sisters and brothers worldwide that in such challenging moments make them aware that You stand by them and that You are strengthening them. Remind them that Your goodness and mercy will follow them always no matter where they might be or where they have to go in Jesus' name I pray amen.

Father in heaven, I pray for my sisters/brothers globally constantly to be reminded of Your grace and love for them and that this will motivate them to love You and honor You daily. I pray that their endeavors today will be successful and that You will give them the wisdom and strength to get through their day. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

"Do everything in love."
1st Corinthians 16:14

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