The Canticle Of The Gift

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Writer unknown. Year not recorded.

The Canticle Of The Gift

Verse 1: In the stillness of the night When the world was asleep
The almighty word leapt out.
He came to Mary, he came to Us,
Christ came to the land of Galilee.
Christ our Lord and our King!

Chorus: O what a gift! What a wonderful gift!
Who can tell the wonders of the Lord?
Let us open our eyes, our ears, and our hearts;
It is Christ the Lord, it is he!

Verse 2: On the night before he died
It was Passover night,
And he gathered his friends together.
He broke the bread, he blessed the wine;
It was the gift of his love and his life.
Christ our Lord and our King!

Chorus: O what a gift! What a wonderful gift!
Who can tell the wonders of the Lord?
Let us open our eyes, our ears, and our hearts;
It is Christ the Lord, it is he!

Verse 3: On the hill of Calvary
The world held its breath,
For there for the world to see,
God gave his Son, his very own Son
For the love of you and me.
Christ our Lord and our King!

Chorus: O what a gift! What a wonderful gift!
Who can tell the wonders of the Lord?
Let us open our eyes, our ears, and our hearts;
It is Christ the Lord, it is he!

Verse 4: Early on that morning
When the guards were sleeping,
Back to life came he!
He conquered death; He conquered sin,
But the vict'ry he gave to you and me.
Christ our Lord and our King!

Chorus: O what a gift! What a wonderful gift!
Who can tell the wonders of the Lord?
Let us open our eyes, our ears, and our hearts;
It is Christ the Lord, it is he!

Verse 5: Someday with the saints
We will come before our Father
And then we will shout and dance and sing.
For in our midst for our eyes to see
Will be Christ our Lord and our King.
Christ our Lord and our King!

Chorus: O what a gift! What a wonderful gift!
Who can tell the wonders of the Lord?
Let us open our eyes, our ears, and our hearts;
It is Christ the Lord, it is he!

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