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Third person POV

Jungkook wake up to a ringtone from his phone, he pick up the call, it was taehyung.

Jungkook bold
Taehyung normal

Good morning my little devil.

Jungkook jump and sit straight.

H...hello taehyung.
Yes it's me. Did I disturb your sleep?

No no I was about to get up.
Okay, umm jungkook, are you free tonight?

Just because.

Ah yeah I'm free tonight.
Then would you like to meet after college?

Sure, see you, bye.
Bye, i love you.

Jungkook cut the call, and step in the shower, after getting ready for college, jungkook want down just to meet his father and another two men sitting on the dining table.

JW: oh kook, come here my boy. Meet Mr Kim Namjoon and Mr Kim Seokjin, they're v-

JK: come on dad I know them, i mean everyone know them, the famous couple.

Namjoon and Seokjin smile at his cheeky reply.

SJ: jungkook right? Which year you're in?

JK: junior year.

NJ: ahhh, do you know Kim taehyung?

The sandwich fall from his hand.

JK: yeah, why?

NJ: he's my son.

Jungkook quickly stand up and bow in 90°, making his father shock, hes never this respectful to anyone.

JK: yoojung is Taehyung's sister, that means she's your daughter.

SJ: yes yes, I'm glad you know both of them. You're really a sweet boy, i really like you.

JK: wh...what?

NJ: hahahaha nothing, ju-won where's your elder son?

That's when yoongi come down.

YG: dad did you see my car key?

JW: here's my best boy.

JK: woahhhhh the partiality !

Jungkook huff, and walk out after saying bye to everyone.

At the college, jungkook noticed girls and boys were gossiping about something, couldn't understand what it was, he saw yoojung walking far away, he was about to run to her but the bell ring, the first class has started.

At lunch, the weather was same, students are making group everywhere and gossiping, jungkook wasn't curious before the only thing he could think is that he didn't see taehyung all day, he wonder where did he go.

Jungkook was sitting in his last class, it was an elective subject, so he can't miss. He saw yoojung coming as they both have same subject,

JK: yoojung, hey come here.

She come towards him, looks hesitant. Jungkook observe her face

JK: why you look so stressed?

YJ: n.. nothing, i-i ne-

Suddenly a girl come to her and said.

G: yoojung I didn't know your brother is so violent, he's like a trained killer.

Jungkook's eyes widen, he grab yoojung's wrist

JK: what's going on? What is she talking about?

G: taehyung almost kill someone today, he's such a rebellious boy. Police took him to the station.

Jungkook felt like his world stoped, without wasting time he run out of the class room.

Jungkook was speeding his bike, he wanted to see taehyung as soon as possible.

On the other side

Taehyung decided to skip college today because he wanted to prepare something special for jungkook,  as he'll meet him in the evening. 

As planned taehyung reach front of his college gate an hour ago to pick jungkook up, he was waiting for jungkook when a guy march towards him and suddenly punch him , making him fall on the ground. Taehyung look up it as it was Justin, the boy he beat at the party.

JUS: you thought you'll get away after what you did? You fight for that bitch? Jungkook? Jungcock, whatever his name, he's just a slut for mens. Otherwise he won't have come to that party, dressing like that. He's the one who ask me to join him, I just give him what he wanted.

His words played in Taehyung's head, those dirty words he use for jungkook, Taehyung's eyes become bloodred, his veins popped out in rage. If Justin was here to beat him, he would have go easy but he insult jungkook, he made a wrong choice.

A kick on Justin's stomach throw him 2or 3 step away from taehyung, just like that night taehyung start punch him on those same place he was hurt before, Justin groaned as the familiar throbbing pain trickled back in with his consciousness. But this time taehyung has already break his nose, as Justin spill out blood mixed with saliva.

Soon two police man come running and pull taehyung off of him, and send justin to hospital and take taehyung with them.

Taehyung POV:

They took me to the police station, and push me inside the locker.

TH: officer,  don't you think you should investigate the whole situation before locking me up?

P: shut your mouth and wait for your parents.

They call my dad,  and soon he come and hug me.

TH: dad I'm sorry.

SJ: we'll handle this, don't worry okay?

Namjoon talk with the inspector.

NJ: first of all who give you the permission to put my son in lock up? And the fight was inside the college, did the college authorities call you to arrest my son?

P: Mr Kim i respect you but but your son beat someone.

NJ: and did you investigate why he beat him? What if that guy start the fight?

P: we'll do that wh-

SJ: whatever inspector, I want my son out of this hell right now, otherwise I'll go to the higher ups, you have no rights to put him behind the bars.

A office unlock the gate for me to come out. As I step out my mom hug me.

SJ: how did you get involve in this?

TH: mom I'm sorry, i did beat him, and if I could i would've beat him to death. He used inappropriate words for jungkook mother. What would you do if someone use slang for dad?

SJ: i would skin them alive.

TH: then did I do something wrong?

NJ: of course not.

Dad give a little package to the police officer and said

NJ: here's the compensation, i believe the case is close.

Saying that we walk out of the police station.

SJ: and we meet jungkook today, he's a nice kid.

TH: don't call him kid mom .

SJ: then what ? Soon to be son in law?

NJ: okay guys let's take this to home. Get on the car.

I was about to step in the car when my phone ring. It was yoojung, i forgot to inform her.

" Jungie im-


The phone fall on the ground.

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