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Third person POV

3 days passed, everything was same, juwon and yoongi would stay most of the time in hospital, Namjoon and Seokjin also come to visit them frequently but one person who still haven't been home for last 3 days was taehyung, his breakfast, lunch, dinner everything is messed up. Namjoon and Seokjin tried to take him home just to make him sleep for some hours but failed. At night taehyung just sleep for an hour then wake up again, he send juwon home saying he's here for jungkook.

Right now taehyung was waiting for jungkook to wake up, it's almost over 72 hours but still hadn't heard anything from doctors. Taehyung try to peek inside, a failed attempt to see jungkook just for a second. That's when a doctor come out.

TH: doctor How is jungkook? It's past 72 hours, you said he'll wake up soon but still there's no movement, what's going on? Tell me doctor.

D: Mr Kim please calm down, we can wake him with medicine but it's good for him to wake up on his own. Thankfully he didn't went to coma, so please wait for him to wake up.

TH: th....then can I just see him for a minute?

D: umm you can, but please don't make any kind of disturbance to him.

TH: thank you so much doctor.

Taehyung quietly step inside but his heart broke at the sight of his love laying there with so many wires connected to his body. That once cheerful boy was sleeping so silently. Taehyung miss everything, he miss how jungkook fight with him, he miss how jungkook get nervous front of him, he genuinely miss the boy. Taehyung silently keep weeping, unable to control his emotions.

Taehyung approaches jungkook, sitting on a stool beside the bed. Taehyung wanted to hold his hand but he can't. Taehyung look at jungkook's face, he haven't seen those doe eyes for 4 days.

TH: My love, open your eyes quickly, we're waiting for you so eagerly, do you know your stone like hyung also cried for you, you should've seen him.

Taehyung whisper

TH: baby please come back to me, I'll do anything you want, I'm sorry, i didn't pick your calls soon, please forgive me and open your eyes. I can't see you like this.

Taehyung whisper then walk out of the room, scared of disturbing jungkook with his cries.

Jungkook POV:

I open my eyes, the brightness was making me blind. Soon i adjust to the surrounding, and i got confused when I found myself standing front of my grandmother's old mansion. But it looks different, it looks so lively. I look around to see if anyone was there because last time I knew I was laying on the road.

Suddenly I heard someone talking.


He's the same men I saw last time, but the moment he turn around, colours drain from my face, i-it was m-me?  And who's tae?


She replied and i drove away, i mean 'he', that girl went inside and i quickly follow her. Then I heard someone's footstep, someone was coming down the stairs.


That same voice, I know he's behind me but I was scared to face him, overpowering my fears I turn my head, the ground slipped under my feet. It was taehyung? He looks ditto copy of him, but his features are soft while my taehyung has very sharp features.  But what is this going on here? Me and taehyung?


She said to tae, that's what his name is i suppose. Is he really taehyung? And that men was me? Suddenly everything change, i again open my eyes i was standing in a forest, why am I here? I was so confused then I saw something. Taehyung run past me then stop front of a car. I walk a little closer to see what was happening.

" I told you to go back, i freed you from me. Go taehyung."

" i can't jungkook. I'm not tied with you only for the promise, I'm tied to you by heart. "

" you don't have a heart taehyung. "

" who told you? Come close  and check once."

" it's not my heart, it's you inside. This is your love inside which I feel. As long as you love me I'll have a heart. So don't tell me that you don't love me anymore. I'll know when your love dies. Thereafter I'll become a heartless devil. You don't have any idea what you're to me jungkook. "

" but you have to go, i can't keep you here for myself only. I can't be selfish, i want to see you happy and free. "

" if you think pushing me away is a way to make me happy, then you don't know me at all. You make me happy jungkook, you're my wings. "

Jungkook took tae's hand and kiss the top of it.

" then you tell me angel what should I do? "

" when I go don't be sad , just think one day I'll come back and will never leave you again. "

" taehyung i can't live without you please. "

Jungkook's cries echo in the jungle. Taehyung's eyes started bleeding as jungkook cried more and more.

" do you want me to stay jungkook? I'll do anything for you. I'll fight god, human, demon anyone for you. I'm not allowed to love anyone but I still love you. "

" they'll kill you. I can't let that happen."

" you said you'll come back, you promise that?"

" i promise. One day I'll become a human like you and come back to you, Hide yourself well because of i find you with anyone else, this angel will surely become a devil. "

I remember, All of this, the pain of parting with my angel sting in my heart as all the memories with him rushed back. but what happen after this? Did he come back? Why I only have this half memory? Whe- I got lost again. Next i found my self standing at the doorway of a room. I look inside, there a two guys standing with me (him).

" WHERE AM I ? "



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