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Third person POV

Everyone look at him worriedly, jungkook was nervous and his father's presence was making it worse.

JW: why not kookie? Is there anything wrong?

JK: i-i dad it's.....

TH: don't stop them, they should watch today's footage, calm down.

Taehyung said the last word only for jungkook to hear.

They watch how everything happens, taehyung was getting mad again, watching how much Jaeyoung hurt jungkook.

P: Mr Dohun, i hope that was enough proof for you and also for me to restigate Jaeyoung from our college and for taehyung, your finals are complete, so I don't need to suspend you now.

NJ: i hope this incident will not effect his result.

P: of course not Mr Kim, he's an Ace.

Juwon take jungkook home, he was resting in his bed but was getting anxious. Taehyung didn't call him after they leave the college.

Kim mansion

SJ: did you pack you bags?

TH : mom I can't leave him now.

SJ: taehyung, let's not be stubborn okay? I know how much you love Jungkook but try to understand he isn't ready to accept you. Give him time to think, and it's not like you'll never come back. You did everything to make jungkook love you but you can't force it. You're like a free bird taehyung, you can do anything you want but don't do something which might hurt your wings. Now you decide.

As yoojung said Seokjin want taehyung to go to the state for buisness, because soon Taehyung will take over Kim Quest.

Taehyung fidget with his phone wants to call jungkook, wants know how jungkook will react. Instead of calling he massage jungkook.

How are you feeling?

In a minute he get a reply from jungkook.

Good, thanks by the way.

jungkook, can we meet today?


My appartment, 5 pm?


Taehyung close the phone, it's 4 pm now so taehyung took a shower and get ready to meet jungkook, maybe for the last time.

Time skip, taehyung reach his appartment, after a while jungkook also arrive. They sit silently in the dining hall. To avoid the awkward moment taehyung speak up.

TH: thank you for coming.

Jungkook only nod, waiting for taehyung to say something more.

TH: I'm sorry I was late, i should've been there earlier.

JK: no, I'm glad you came.

TH: jungkook can I ask something?

JK: hmm

TH: actually not asking, it's a request, please don't hate me jungkook, I don't know how to make you believe I did everything to come to you, but I failed.

Jungkook frown at him.

JK: what are you talking about?

TH: I wish I could tell you how i spend those years without you. I was ready to die, just to meet you once. Your tears make my heart bleed, how much I wanted to break free and go to you.

JK: y-you re,....remem-ber? H-how?

TH: I miss how you used to love me jungkook, I missed you so much, but I know I hurt you so much that you hate me now. At first I thought I can make you love me but love doesn't want force, it was my fault that I lost your trust and love. I hope one day you'll forgive me jungkook.

Taehyung's eyes brimmed with tears, just with a single thought of leaving jungkook. But it's better this way.

Jungkook sit there emotionless, he couldn't understand what was happening, he never knew that taehyung remember everything. If he wanted to come then why he didn't? What stopped him? Again his mind filled with questions.

Taehyung stand up, ready to leave but before leaving he once again look at jungkook, expecting him to say something but nothing.

TH: i hope you'll be happy without me in your life.

This time jungkook look at him, he wanted to ask taehyung, what did he mean but he was too late for that.

Taehyung left the appartment, as soon he close the door of his car, he start weeping, braking down in fit of tears, his hands started to shake in fear of not seeing the boy again.

Jungkook was still in the same position he was, fighting with his heart who wanted to run after taehyung, soon he heard a sound of engine Starting, he realise taehyung drove away.

Jungkook POV

I feel so awful right now, I feel as if I'm going to lose everything again. I want answer, I want to know his part of the story, what exactly happen that he couldn't come to me? There's only one place I can find ally answer. I left the house and drove to find the truth.

When I reach the mansion, i search for the key, but it wasn't in its usual spot, where did it go? I search the whole garden but the key was no where to be found. I NEET IT ! please!

I quickly open my phone and call grandmaa,

Grandmother bold
Jungkook normal

Grandma where's the key of your mansion?

Why do you want it ?
Tae-hee, i remember everything. Forgive me for leaving you alone but I need answer now, why taehyung didn't come back? And what happen after I died?

I heard sniffing sound, she's crying.

C...come he-here , i-i'll give you all the answers you want.
I'm coming.

I cover 1 hours drive in 30 minutes, soon reach her house, the butler told me that she's in her room.

As i walk inside her bedroom, she was laying there under a blanket, she looks sick.

JK: what happen? Are you sick?

GM: m-my t....time h-has co...me! B-but before I go... I ne-need to te...tell you everything.

I stay quiet as she start.


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