Halloween morning ੈ✩

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I jolt awake in my crib, I giggle taking my paci out. Wait..I fell asleep with mommy and daddy! How did I get here?!? They must've put me in here in the middle of the night. Daddy says I tend to kick him as I sleep. I so funny.

I look around before I realize mommy and daddy must still be asleep. I pout as I think of a plan. The bars are hard to reach from inside the crib...daddy made sure of that..I roll my eyes.

But It's Halloween! I need to wake them up so we can get into our costumes!!

Oh! My toy chest is next to my crib. I'll be step onto it and climb out. I stand up and reach my leg over stepping onto the chest. Then I step my next leg onto the chest before hopping down. I giggle as I run to the door and open it, I look around and still see no mommy and daddy.

They must be in bed! I walk to their door slowly opening it. It's dark but I see two figures laying in bed. I tiptoe up to their bed and climb up towards daddy. I straddle his lap and stare at him and then stare at mommy. Awwww they sleeping so peacefully!!


"Ahhh!!" Mommy yells falling out of bed

"What's happening?!" Daddy jolts up grabbing me and looks around

I giggle as I watch mommy climb back onto the bed groaning. Daddy gives me a stern glare as he turns his bedside lamp on. I look at them both innocently, I mean I didn't do anything I'm a good girl

"Baby, how are you out of your crib?" Daddy asks

"I climb on toy chest" I replied

"We're going to have to move that" mommy chuckles before pulling me into her lap and hugging me

"Why are you up baby?" She asks

"It's Halloween! We need to get on our costumes and play!" I said clapping

"Baby it's still pretty early, why don't we eat breakfest first and relax. Then later we will put our costumes on ok?" Daddy says making me pout. I cross my arms and give out a big "HMPH"

Daddy gives me a stern look making me uncross my arms and lower my head

"Now you no better then to throw a fit, you don't want a timeout in the morning already do you?" He asks calmly as he pulls me back from mommy arms and stands up

"No dada, I sowwy" I lay my head on his shoulder

"It's ok monkey, such a sweet girl" he blows raspberrys on my neck as rubs my back before he walks out the door. Mommy following right behind us making funny faces at me. I smile and giggle

"What's making you giggle silly girl?" Daddy asks

"Mama make faces" I point behind him. He turns around and chuckles before giving mommy a big kiss on her lips. "Ewwwwww" I say

They both laugh as they continue to walk

"You weren't saying ew the other night" mommy states. I blush and hide my face in daddy's neck making him chuckle at me AGAIN. I must be the funniest person alive

We finally reach the kitchen. Why did they buy such a big house.

He sets me in my high chair making me feel my squishy diaper. I felt a slight pain on my skin making my cry

"What happened?! Did daddy pinch your fingers on your table? I'm sorry baby!" Daddy says worriedly

"Nuu" I shake my head as I wiggle trying to get comfortable

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