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Mom and dad left early. My older brother, Tom, left earlier than them. He works at a law firm he and his bestfriend, James, built a couple of years ago in the neighboring state. It was the same year he got married and the same year my first nephew was born.

My nephew, whose name was Lucian Dante--yep, Tom likes the devil, was sleeping soundly over my stomach. He was a year and a half old now. I forgot to bring him to his mom last night.

Yes, my older brother and his wife, Annie, still lives with me and my mom and dad. He promised to find a place for his family, though. A two-year old promise. So much for complying to it. Whenever I ask about it, he always says he's on it.

I stood up and carried the baby down to the second floor, to the crib in his room. I assumed he was a mute because he seldom cries even though he was hungry, even when I accidentally woke him. Annie had to time it whenever the baby needed food.

I went back to my room to get my towel and went downtairs to the bathroom and took a shower. I stared at myself in the mirror. It was time to shave. So I shaved. I went back to my room to get dressed.

"Shit." I'm out of underwear.

So I went to the laundry room in the ground floor and found my boxer briefs hanging by the hanger with a pair of red jeans and my other clothes. My underwears were pink. They were dyed pink! What the fuck?

I had no choice but to wear one and stormed out to the kitchen, even if I had no shirt on. Just a towel draped over my pink--my fucking pink underwear. Annie was there. She was cooking breakfast. Her back was on me.

"What happened to my boxers?" I asked.

She was spooked. I could tell by how her shoulders tensed. She turned around and looked at me with those big blue eyes apologetically. "Oh. Yeah. Sorry 'bout that, sweetie. I didn't know your red pants tend to stain white underwears."

She likes to call everyone sweetie. She's twenty-six, if you guys are wondering. She's the same age as my brother.

"I can wash my own clothes, you know. That way, my boxers wouldn't have to turn pinkish."

She turned around and stirred. "Well, Tom told me to make myself useful."


"Language, sweetie. Language." Her voice had a warning and warming tone.

"Sorry," I muttered. "Just to let you know. I'm not a kid anymore and I can do things on my own--"

"Like washing clothes," she cut me.

"Yeah, like washing clothes. And you're my brother's wife, not a house maid. So you don't have to do everything in the house," I said calmly. "Mom and Dad and me can do that. Even Lucian will help, too."

She sighed and turned around, waving whatever she was using to stir the oatmeal she was cooking while she said, "What am I supposed to do? I can't go back to work yet. And I can't stay in one place. It makes me feel itchy and uncomfortable. You know how it is."

"Yes. Because you're pregnant. All the more reason you shouldn't be doing anything, Annie." I sighed. "You know how mom reacts to this kinds of things."

"She gets hysterical."

"Yes," I agreed. I was going out of the kitchen but stopped and turned around again. "Thanks, by the way. For washing my clothes. I was kind of running out of underwears."

"No problem," she said as she continued stirring. "Breakfast'll be ready when you get back down."

In my room, I pulled on a pair of semi-tight jeans, a graying white t-shirt, and a jacket. I slung my headphones around my neck and connected it to my MP3 that was hiding in the pocket of my jacket. I grabbed my bag and went downstairs to eat breakfast.

My room is the attic, by the way. That's why our house seemed to have three floors. But no, I stay in the attic since I don't want to stay in the same floor as my parents, and Tom and Annie because I sometime hear Annie moan when she's having sex with her perverted husband.

Annie was sitting in the dining table when I ate my oatmeal. She was drinking supplementary milk. For the the baby's health. She was two months pregnant.

"How's Lucian?" she asked.

"He was sleeping when I left him in your room. Sorry about last night, by the way. I forgot to return him to you guys."

Annie laughed. "He's your nephew, Theo. And you did us a favor last night." She grinned.

Eww. I imagined them having sex. I wanted to puke.

She may be my smoking hot sister-in-law with a blond hair, a pair of blue eyes and honey skin, but, yeah, imagining things like that makes my stomach churn.

So I changed the subject. "How's Jerry? Never heard from him since last week."

Jerry's my brother's father-in-law. He was supposed to visit every week. Or maybe, he used to visit every week. But, yeah, he didn't visit last week. My family's kind of a very close family. Even with their in-laws. I don't know what's wrong with that, but I feel it's all-around not right.

"I got a call from him this morning. He tripped on the stairs and broke an elbow. He's in the hospital. So, I was wondering if I can borrow your truck so I can check on him."

"No fucking way!" Ofcourse I didn't say that. What I actually said was, "Yeah, sure. I'll just skateboard to school."

I tossed the key across the table.

"Thanks, sweetie," she chirped.

It was time to go to school. So I went out of the house.

The cold breeze of the morning swept across my whole body and I shivered. God! It's a very cold morning. I wished I had an extra layer of clothes. But I desperately needed to get out of the house.

So I rolled.

I couldn't stop thinking about myself. How am I so kind to people, when I can flip them off or turn them down if I want? I don't really know why but whenever I'm on the verge of saying 'no', I end up saying 'yes'. Maybe because I didn't want to hurt their feelings. Especially, my family.

When I reached a main road, I heard a honk from behind.

I kept rolling. I was in the sidewalk so I wasn't the one being honked.

But actually, I was the one being honked at. But I didn't know it until I heard a voice.

"Hey, there. I see you at school," he said. He slowed down and matched my momentum. He had one elbow leaning by the sill of the driver's window. He turned his head to me and turned it back to the road.

"It's because I study there," I said. I'm not particularly friendly. I'm not particularly nice either. Especially to this guy.

He eyed my skateboard. "You'll be late." Talk about stating the obvious.

"I'm aware," I said. Its not like I have my car with me.

"Need a ride?" he offered.

"Yeah, sure."

Like I said. I don't say 'no'. And I needed the ride.

I'm deciding on thanking Annie for borrowing my truck and telling her to borrow it everyday. Every single fucking day.

The Music Project (boyxboy)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें