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So Mrs. Eighton continued discussing about the parts of a music player. I didn't think it was a good idea. I have a hunch that what she's discussing right now is somewhat connected to the 'Semestral Project'. By 'Semestral Project', I think she meant it to be simply... 'Project'. I don't know if 'semestral' is even a word. I had never encountered such a word before. But that I still have a bad feeling about it.

So listened until she was done. I never took notes. Not that I needed any. It was kind of amazing how Mrs. Eighton afforded to finish discussing all the parts of every audio player available in history. She began from the antique ones to the modern ones. She's cool.

"Now, let us talk about your semestral project," Mrs. Eighton announced. Everyone was quiet. "I think it is obvious what I want you to do. Or rather, create."

I had no clue what she was talking about. I didn't bother brainstorming about it. She'll announce it, anyway. Majority of the class seemed to pick up what Mrs. Eighton implied. Even Linden Blisser.

He was shaking his head slowly but he was smiling. And then, it hit me. Linden Blisser is part of the Electronics Communication Club with... I don't know who their adviser is. But whatever. Not like I needed to know.

"You want us to create a music player, Mrs. Eighton?" I asked.

Mrs. Eighton smiled. "Not quite, Mr. Grace." She paused. "Constructing an audio player will recquire a handful of time for amateurs like you." She was saying it to the whole class. Linden Blisser flinched. He wasn't an amateur. "I need you to repair and record an audio depending on what you like. The class will serve as witness as all of you will watch as I test the repaired audio players with the recorded audios in front of class at the end of the semester."

The class, however didn't like the idea. They burst into chaos, complaining about the project. I just sat there. Quiet. I didn't want to be one of them. I didn't want to be like them. So I kept quiet.

Linden Blisser was watching Mrs. Eighton, his arms were crossed at the chest and he was leaning backwards. Mrs. Eighton was watching the class, waiting for the noise to decompose. It didn't. I could hear Salem's sweet voice as she talked to her seatmate that she didn't even have electronics last year. What a shame.

Linden Blisser raised his hand. The class seemed to notice the motion so they all went quiet. Maybe they were expecting Linden Blisser to complain about the fucking project. I was, too. You can't blame me.

"Yes, Mr. Blisser?"

"I don't think we can do it individually, ma'am. Considering that we are amateurs, I don't think we'll make it by the end of the term." He stressed the word 'amateurs'. What a jerk. I wanted to laugh. Of course, I didn't.

"Ah, yes. Thank you for reminding me, Mr. Blisser." She turned to the whole class. "You'll be executing the project by pairs." She smiled and announced, "And don't forget to drop by the music room before going home to retrieve the audio players. Dismissed."

So that's what this is it about. She doesn't know anyone who can fix those antique music players since she was the adviser of the music club so she thought about making it our project. That is so uncool.

So we all fixed our things as the others asked their seatmates to pair with them. Linden Blisser was finished packing within seconds. He stood up but didn't leave.

"Uh, Theo."

I turned my head to Linden Blisser and made a question mark on my face. Well, not literally. You know what I mean.

"Wanna pair up with me? I know how to fix those things," he asked. I know he does. "Unless you wanna pair with Salem, there," he nodded to the girl's direction, "who apparently likes you and apparently doesn't know how to fix a music player."

I looked at Salem, who smiled at me. I turned my eyes back on Linden Blisser. "Oh, I wouldn't. I swear," I said. "I better pair with you."

"So, umm, I'll catch up to you after practice. You have practice too, right?" he asked.

"Yeah, sure," I agreed. "Or we can plan it during lunch. I have fifth period lunch."

"Me, too. Great. See you at the cafeteria, then."


Then, he left.

At lunch, I sat at our usual table which was at the center of the cafeteria. By 'our', I meant the volleyball starting team. It kind of become our table since I don't know when. But when I made the starting team, Baxter Hook, the team captain, told me to sit here at lunch or whenever I wanted to. That was fine with me because I didn't want to sit by the dumpster, which was the only available seat during lunch.

"Hey, Sparkle!" Robby and Josh slid into the sea beside me.

I nodded in greeting.

"How's the arm?" Robby asked.

A week ago, I twisted my wrist when I blocked his spike, which wasn't as strong as his real spike. I ended up in the infirmary. I wasn't able to practice the rest of the week. Coach wanted me to learn to block. He wanted me to become an all-around player, like Hook. But all I wanted was to toss and receive. It's what I do best.

I held up my left arm and flexed my wrist. "Fine, I guess."

"Sorry 'bout it again, mate," Robby gave me an apologetic look.

"No worries. Nurse said I'll be able to play today."

"Nice. We miss you in the team, Sparkle. No one tosses as good. But I can receive just as good. Maybe better." Josh chomped on his hamburger.

"We aren't allowed to eat those," I said but Josh didn't seem to pay attention.

"Don't mind him. He doesn't listen," Robby said.

From the counter, I saw Hook with his girlfriend, they were walking towards us. He was tall and lean and muscled. He looked tough and respectable. Melissa was the hottest girl in school. I swear she's not my type. But, yeah, even guys like me gets their eyes magnetized at her presence. She's that hot. Three degrees burn.

"Hey, chugs," Hook greeted. Robby and Josh hey'd back. I half nodded in greeting. "How's the wrist?" He asked me as he slid the seat across from me. Melissa sat beside him.

Robby answered before I could open my mouth. "Nurse says he's good to play."

"Great news, I bet coach misses you." Then he kissed Melissa. They seemed to have their own world now. That's how they spend lunch. Eating at each other. The only thing left for them to do was strip down and have sex in front of the whole school. And yeah, school policies doesn't say anything about PDA.

I gathered my bowls and plates on the tray and slid off the seat.

"Where you going, Sparkle?" Robby asked.

"Blisser. Music Project," I answered.

He mouthed an 'oh' and said, "Be nice."

"Yeah." I turned and walked, nearly bumping into the team's libero.

Linden Blisser caught sight of me as walked towards his table. He was sitting alone. I sat across from him.



"Nutritious meal," he commented. He nearly laughed at what's on my tray.

"Yeah. Coach." I put the plates and bowls on the table, removing the tray.

He nodded. He understood, I guess. "So, about the project."

"I can swing by your house after practice," I suggested.

"No," he said louder than it should sound. Like he hated the idea.

"Okay," I said. "But definitely not my house." Before he could even say it.

His brow creased. "O-kay... Then, where?"

"I don't know. You think." I scooped a spoonful of vegetable salad and shove it into my mouth.

The Music Project (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now