Chapter 8 - Questions

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Our food came rather quickly and we both tucked in.

"So," Harry began as he took a mouth full of his food. He chewed, swallowed and continued. "I want to know more about you so i have some questions." He said.

"Fire away." I replied.He wiped his mouth and started.

"Where were you born?" He asked.

"Inverness, Scotland."

"Do you have any siblings?" Harry asked."Yup, two older brothers. The oldest is Calvyn he is 26 and then Ben is 21."

"So me and Ben are the same age" Harry smiled,

"What about you? Do you have any siblings?" I asked as i cut into my beef which, i must say is the best beef i've ever had.

"Two, an older sister and younger sister. Gemma is the oldest and Sophie is the youngest. Sophie is 15 and Gemma is 24. Sophie goes to boarding school near London and Gemma works in London, she just graduated from UNI" Harry said."Wow, i've always wanted a sister. My mum always wanted a daughter as well" I said.

Harry took a mouthful of beef before replying. "I guess sisters are okay." He paused, he was thinking. "Mum and them had a great relationship." He became very agitated and distant for a few seconds before snapping out of it. The word had played around in my head. Harry then asked "Anyway, do you have a secret skill?"

I had defiantly said something wrong. "Erm, well i can type without looking at the keyboard on a computer. Does that count?" I laughed.

"I think that counts, i can't do it." He said.

"What was your favourite childhood toy?" He asked as i took a sip of my drink.

"Deffinatly my bike, i loved it! Oh and when i got my first ever camera" I replied.

"You love taking photos don't you" Harry said.

"Love is an understatement."

"Do you have a collection somewhere?" He asked.

"Yeah, i have an album on my laptop full of all my photos" I replied.

"Can i see them one day?" he asked. No one had ever asked me that before


"Last question," He stated.

"What's your dream travel destination?"

"That's hard, It would probably be Europe as a whole. One day i would love to travel all around Europe." I said.

"Sounds amazing."

By now we had both finished our meals.

"That was delicious, thank you Harry" I said. I had made sure i had eaten it all since it cost so much.

"You're very welcome. Would you like desert?" He asked.

"No, i'm sort of full. You can have desert if you want though," I said, feeling bad but i was honestly so full.

"No it's okay, i'm full as well. I will just get the bill and we can go." Harry got up to go and get the bill. I watched him as he walked to find someone who worked here. How i've managed to go on a date with someone so handsome i have no idea. I could see him talking to a man in the distance, the man went off to get something and Harry walked back over smiling at me as he came closer. As he walked he fiddled with his hands. "We can go, i've paid." He said. He grabbed my coat and helped me put it on before getting his own. He took my hand as we began leaving.

Just as we were leaving the man who Harry had just spoken to came over  to us."Sir, may we speak" he asked.

"Of course." The man indicted Harry to follow. Harry let my hand go. "Back in a minute." he said giving my hand a squeeze.

Harry's POV

I followed the man about 10m away from Elise."Somehow the paps have found you here, we are deeply sorry. None of the workers here have contacting anyone regarding your visit here so it must have been one of our guests. Outside there are a number of people. We can organise security for you and your partner if you wish" He told me.

"Don't worry about it" I said calmly trying not to sound annoyed. I can't be annoyed at them. As much as i didn't want the press here, i can't control everything. "Security would be appreciated though if you can organise that." I said. I hadn't organised security. I didn't want any, i just wanted it to be Elise and me.

"Of course sir, i will get them right away." He said before walking off.

It worried me taking Elise out. All the other women i have dated have been used to getting mobbed, Elise... i don't she's ever been mobbed before. It can be scary as well, especially your first time.

I walked over to Elise and took her hands i explained what had happened and she understood. We walked over to the bar section of the restaurant and waited for security. She softly lent on me and i held her. She shut her eyes briefly as she lent on me. "Tired?" i asked.

"Just a bit" She said keeping her eyes shut. I squeezed her tightly. I t was quite late now, it was about 11:45pm. I saw 4 men walking towards us. Just by looking at them  i could tell they were the security. I gently pushed Elise up from me.

"Let's go" i told her.





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