Chapter 6 - You like Harry

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Modest -  Having or showing a moderate estimation of one's own abilities, accomplishments, or value

The pitter of rain on my windows woke me up. I rolled over and looked at my digital clock on my nightstand. It reads 9:36. I didn't feel too bad. I had the best night sleep I think I've had in a while.

Rolling out of bed, I walked into the shower. I may not feel bad but my god I look like a dead rat that's been dragged through a hedge backwards. Turning the shower on, I rinsed myself and washed my hair.

20 minutes later I was changed and I headed downstairs and was greeted with a passed out Addy laying half on our sofa and half off of it. She looked awful and smelt even worse. I made my way passed Addy and into the kitchen where a note was on the fridge.

Hey to whoever is reading this, probably Elise.

Elise, I brought Addy home and placed her on the sofa. She was pretty much passed out the moment she got into the car so I carried her in. I wouldn't be surprised if she has an awful hangover just to warn you.

Liam x

I tore the not of the fridge and began making some bacon and eggs. I then got some water and drugs that Addy could take to help her get over the hangover. I placed the water next to Addy and went to eat my bacon and egg roll.


"Hey" A dead Addy said from the door. I was sitting on my bed reading.

"Hi." I replied. "Good night?" I asked.

"Yeah, well the bits I remembered." She replied rubbing her head.

"You looked like you were having fun, drunk dancing under the supervision of Liam and Louis." I told her.

"Oh my god. How embarrassing. Did I do anything stupid?" She asked.

"Well... you kissed Liam a few times, oh and you grinded against him." I replied keeping a straight face.

"No, no I didn't. Please tell me you are kidding. Oh my god how embarrassing. Oh my god my life is over." She said flinging her arms around everywhere.

"I'm kidding you on." I said. "As far as I know you just danced a lot." I told her."

"Thank god!" She said.

"Addy, please go and have a shower." I said. "You smell and look as close to death as you can probably get." I told her.

"Thanks." She said sticking her tongue out.

"No problem, anytime." I replied.

She then walked off slowly to the shower, holding on to objects o keep her upright.

I went back o my reading and my phone went off beside me telling me I had a text.

From Harry

Hey, El I really enjoyed last night, fancy meeting up later today? x

To Harry

I really enjoyed last night as well. Id love to meet up, I'm free all day so anytime suits me. X

From Harry

Good, I will pick you up at 12 for lunch, how's Addy? X

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