Chapter 5 - Kiss

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Rain - drops of water from clouds:

Elise's POV

"You not going to dance?" Harry asked over the music. I shook my head no.

"I've had enough dancing," I said and he nodded sliding into the booth I was sitting in.

We had been at this nightclub for just over 2 hours now. Currently, I was sitting in one of the private booths at the back. The boys had hired a few out. The music wasn't so loud back here and it was a lot less busy.

I have spent the last half an hour dancing and I've had a few drinks (all non alcoholic of course) but now, I'm just sick of it and I wouldn't mind leaving. I could just leave right now if I wanted to, but I'm not leaving without Addy and she's having the time of her life and I don't want to end that just because I want to go home. Harry had stuck to his word and literally stuck to me like glue the whole night. He gave any man who came within 1 meter of me the evil eyes. It made me feel very safe and it was cute how much Harry protected me.

"You know, you surprised me." Harry said. I looked at him confused.

"How?" I asked.

"I expected you to just sit in a booth for the whole night, you didn't seem keen on the idea of partying at all earlier."

"Yeah, I'm still not overly keen on the whole clubbing/partying thing. But we are here to celebrate and I'm not going to just sit around sulking. Besides, I need to show everyone how to dance." I told him.

"Well thank god you did, because when I take you to more clubs in the future, I know for a fact you can dance, so no excuses. And I cant be seen with someone who cant dance now can I" He said nudging me.

"Who said I'm going to any more clubs?" I asked.

"Me." He said smirking.

I looked over at Addy and she was dancing with Liam and Louis. I with I had as much energy as her. I just want to sleep. The thought of sleep made me release the biggest yawn. My hands quickly covered my mouth and my eyes went wide when I saw Harry laughing at me.

"You tired?" He asked.

"Yeah, a bit." I said.

"We can go if you want." He suggested.

"No it's fine, I can't leave Addy." I said whilst placing my head on my arms. Which were resting on the table. "She'll end up doing something stupid, I mean look at her" I said pointing to a very drunk Addy who was currently doing a dad dance in the middle of a packed dance floor. Harry laughed at her.

"She's with Liam, she'll be fine. Liam is completely sober; he doesn't drink when he's out. She will be here for a few more hours, releasing all that energy she has. Let me take our home, I promise I will ensure that Addy leaves and gets home safely." Harry said looking at me.

"Fine, as long as you promise." I said pointing my little finger at him.

"Promise." He said holding his pinky finger out. Locking it with mine. "I will just go and tell Liam we are leaving." He told me as he shimmied out the booth and made his way over to a sober Liam and a very drunk Addy. I saw him talk to Liam and he pointed over to me. Liam nodded a few times and Harry made his way back over. I got out the booth just as he arrived back.

I grabbed my bag and Harry and me began making our way out. We had to go through a different entrance to the main one. Before exiting, Harry informed me that there would be paps and that a van is parked just outside the entrance with a driver inside ready to drive us off.

"The paps are behind barriers, just keep our head down and keep hold of my hand. Ignore their comments and questions. Wear this." He said as he took off his jacket and gave it to me.

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