Chapter 1 - The Hand

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Stranger:a person with whom one has had no personal acquaintance.

I wake up with a thick white duvet covering me. The annoying alarm clock, which I wish, could just destroy itself droned through my ears. Slamming my hand onto the alarm clock silenced its drone and brought my brain into reality. Now it was just the sound of the pitter-patter on my window, which echoed through my head. Looking at my clock it read 8 am. I now regretted agreeing to stay up with Addy to watch movies until 3 am.

Addy is my 5 foot 9, blonde, blue eyed, model looking flat mate. Let's just say I'm a tiny but jealous of her. You see I'm the 5 foot 8 brunette, green eyed, none model flat mate. Addy, she's thin and has an amazballs figure and I'm not thin and don't have an amazballs figure. But to be honest as jealous as I am, I'm happy being me. I'm confident and will go out with a bikini on during the holidays. No I don't have a thigh gaps.

But let me tell you, a perk of not having a thigh gap is that when food falls in your lap, you can actually catch it. I know you are probably laughing right now but I seriously don't want to loose good food and if that means no thigh gap... I'm more than wiling to take that sacrifice.

A loud bang brought me back to reality. The bang will signify Addy is now up. I pull my duvet off me and shower before changing into clothes and putting my make up on.

"Morning" I mumbled walking through the kitchen grabbing myself an apple.

"Morning" Addy chirped.

"You sound happy considering its not even 9am yet" I said taking a seat on our breakfast bar.

"I have a shoot today with and I'm so excited!" She replied.

"Well today my day consists of collecting photos for my new spring photo blog collection and writing my weekly column for the TeensMag." I said before biting into my apple.

"Sounds fun!" Addy said.

"Yeah, could be worse I guess"

I have two jobs at the moment: photography and writing.

I love both and I could have worse jobs! Writing my own book has always been my dream and photography is kind of a hobby. I have a fairly big blog where I upload my photos.

"Well I better be going" I told Addy grabbing my camera and another apple. I love apples as well by the way. I had braces from the age of 12 until 15. It was torture. I couldn't just pick up an apple and eat it, I'd have to cut it up before which was just effort. So now I don't take apples for granted.

"Bye, I might not be back till late tonight, it depends how the shoot goes," Addy replies.

"Okay, good luck!" I said leaving the flat.

I made my way down the stairs of our apartment block.

"Hello Miss Fletcher" Our lobby guard, Stuart, said.

"Morning" I replied giving him a high five as I walked passed.

Once I got outside I waited for my cab I had ordered earlier. Within moments my cab arrived. I got inside the cab and instructed the driver where I wanted to go and he drove me down the streets of Edinburgh.

Yep that's right I'm Scottish. I grew up in a place called Inverness and I moved here (Edinburgh) about a year ago. I don't go to UNI or anything. I was awful at school apart from English so I only got a good English A level. I failed literally everything else. But I have still seemed to do all right. I earn about £700-900 pounds a week depending on how good my photos are and how long my article is for the magazine.

"Here you go Miss," The taxi driver said as he brought the taxi to a stop just outside Edinburgh castle.

"Thanks" I said. "Here you go," I said giving him the money for the journey.

I got out the car and the cold air hit me like a truck. I wrapped my scarf around me and put my hood up to block the wind from my ears.

I took about 100 photos around the outside of the castle and then decided to go in and look around. I went over to the ticket office and paid for a ticket.

"Your ticket will let you in on the next tour at about 10" The ticket lady said. I looked at my watch and saw that that left me about 20 minutes to grab a coffee before going in.

"Thanks" I replied grabbing my ticket. I began walking away and grabbed a coffee.

I began walking back towards the castle and got my ticket out to double-check what entrance I needed to go through. I brought the ticket up to my face so I could read it clearly, when a sudden gust of wind flew it out my hand across to the road.

'Shit" I said running after it. I stupidly ran out into the middle of the road, I grabbed the ticket and paused for a minute catching m breath. A loud car horn brought me out of my trance and a strong hand took mine pulling me out the road. The hand pulled me along quite strongly until we reached the pavement.

I then realized that the hand of a stranger just saved my life.

The stranger stood next to me and it was quite tall. They had a big hat on and a scarf, which covered half of their face. The stranger looked pretty dodgy if I'm honest. I looked up at the stranger's face, which was pretty much completely covered beside their eyes. They had deep green eyes, which caused me to stare and yet again go off in a little trance. The stranger coughed probably because I was staring right at them. I, myself, was a stranger to them.

"Thank... thank you" I managed to stumble out my dry mouth.

"No problem" They said in a deep voice, which told me the stranger was male.

"I'm Elise." I said bringing my hand out.

"I'm, I'm Harry." He said shaking my hand.

So this is the sequal to Harry's Little Sister. I hope you'll like it!!

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Love you all!


Touch of a HandOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora