Chapter 3 - famous

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Famous- known about by many people


Elise's POV

"So this room ladies and gentlemen is the kitchen...." The tour guide began as we entered the next room. The tour of the castle had actually been really good so far; I've managed to get a lot of photos so I'm going to base my article this week on the castle. Our group is fairly large; there must be about 20 of us including Harry and me.

Harry hasn't talked for much of the tour, he only spoke to ask why I was taking so many photos. To which I replied explaining that I'm a photographer and I write articles for a magazine.

I know who he is, well I don't really know him himself but I know he's Harry Styles 1/5th of one direction (the worlds biggest boy band) but I don't think he knows I know. I'm not sure. But I can tell you he's done a very good job of disguising himself. I only knew it was him because he put his hood down briefly to sort his hair out.

I'm not going to lie, he's fit, like realllyyyy fit. He's nice as well: 1- he sort of saved my life whilst spilling boiling coffee all over him 2- he brought me a coffee on the way to the castle and 3- even though he may not talk much he opens and holds every door for me, like a real gentlemen.

"Elise, we are moving on" Harry whispers in my ear and motions me to follow the tour guide as she moves into the next room.

We followed her up some stairs and we entered into a large hall, which had chandeliers hanging from the roof, and the biggest table I'd seen in my whole life.

"This is a one big goddam hall." Harry muttered from behind me.

I began snapping some photos of the hall when another man in our group came up to me.

"Would you like me too take a photo of you two" He asked pointing to me and a daydreaming Harry behind us.

"Erm..." I turned around waving my hand in front of Harry's eyes bringing him out of the daydream. "This man is asking if we want a photo together" I told him.

"Totally!" Harry said grinning. He gave the men his phone and the man took a photo. It was a nice photo I have to admit.

"Thank you" We both told him.

"My pleasure" He said walking off. The tour guide began walking again and we followed.

"That must've felt weird." I told Harry.

"How?" he asked.

"I mean normally you get asked if you can have a photo with someone" He looked at me with realization... I knew who he was. "Yes Harry I know who you are"

"Oh" he said looking disappointed.

"Why the sad face?" I asked whilst ducking through a door into another room.

"I kind of liked thinking you didn't know who I am. I kind of wanted you to look at me as Harry the stranger who just pulled you out a road not the Harry Styles the world thinks they know." He told me.

"I did, for about the first 30 minutes I knew you, I honestly had no clue you were part of a world famous boy band. I honestly didn't recognize you as the 'Harry the world knows' I only knew you as a stranger. All I knew was that you were called Harry and you had just saved my life. It was only when we entered the castle and you took your hood down for a millisecond to sort your hair out I knew you were Harry Styles." I told him. "My first impressions of you were based on your personality, it was nothing to do with the fact you were famous, I promise."

"I'm glad, literally every girl or person out of work I've ever met judges me on what they see in the media and I hate it" He began. By this point the tour had ended and we were heading out the castle to the surrounding park. "I walk down the streets and there's a pap taking a photo, I go out to the shopping centre and every person I meet needs a photo with me, even if they aren't a fan. Just because I'm 'famous' they need a photo. I love my fans like family, I just wish I wasn't famous sometimes." He sighed and stopped walking. "Look what I'm getting at is that being famous you don't get to give first impressions, everyone already has an impression of you before they meet you. I hate it"

"I understand" I said.

"You do?" He asks. "I probably sound so selfish."

"How?" I asked.

"I'm complaining about something millions dream about."

"No your not, you are being realistic. Being famous has its perks and its faults."

Harry's POV

"Everything does" I reply to Elise I don't know why but this girl has me hooked. I've just let all my problems pour out of my mouth and into her ears. I only met her like 2 hours ago. She just seems different, a good different though. She understands me like no one else.

My phone began ringing and I rummaged in my pocket trying to find it. I found it. It was Liam.

"Sorry, I need to take this." I apologized to Elise who was stood next to me.

"It's fine" she replied.

(Phone call)

"Mate, what are you doing?" Liam said down the phone.

"I just needed to get out, I just went for a walk and then had a tour around the castle. Don't worry no one has noticed me" I replied.

"Mate, they have. You are all over the internet. You are with a girl as well. You need to come back before something happens." Liam said.

Shit. I stopped and dragged Elise of behind a tree looking around for any cameras. Elise gave me a confused look.

"For god sakes how? I've been watching the whole time I've been out and I've seen no paps, no one has even raised their phone for a quick snap." I said down the phone. Orla gave me a look of realization.

"Well you've been noticed and you need to come back now" Liam informed me.

"Fine I'm coming."

"Tell the girl what's happened. She needs to know her face is all over the Internet." Liam told me

"Her names Elise and I will" I said hanging up

(end of phone call)

"We've been noticed haven't we" Elise sighed.

"Yeah, erm sorry" I mumbled.

"It's fine." She replied.

"It's not," I told her. "Your face is going to be all over the Internet and stupid rumors are going to be made up"

"I'm not going to lie the thought of my face all over the Internet isn't great, but I will live. I only use instagrams really and that's on private. I'm a big girl, I will be fine"

"You are so understanding" I told her.

"Well, I try" She laughed smirking.

"What's your instagrams?" I asked her.

"elisefletch_" She told me.

"I will give you a follow oh and I want to see you again. I have a show tonight and I happen to have 2 tickets with me. Bring a friend and come pleaseeeee" I said.

"Sure" She said.

I got the tickets out and gave them to her. "My number is on the back. Come to the venue an hour earlier and give me a text when you arrive. I will organize for someone to pick you up and bring you backstage" I said.

"Thanks so much, it sounds like fun" she said.

"No thank you, I've had a great few hours"

"Oh, it's fine. Thanks for saving my life"

"Oh, no problem" I smirk. "If you have any problems about the internet give me a text and I will try and sort stuff out." I told her.

"Okay I will thanks but I'm sure I will be fine"

"I'm sure you will. Bye Elise" I said and I headed back to the hotel.


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