Unfinished business book one chapter one

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Alright y'all I need real advice, should this be in third person and what else should I do before continuing? Remember this is going to be an actual book so I wanna make sure I'm heading in the right direction first.

Unfinished Business

    chapter one - a cold reminder

    There was a soft hum of an old Ac unit above me, sucking the cold night air in and sending it to my small dark room. The moonlight peaked above the ac unit, its thin lines of light casting shadows on the floor where I sat. I sigh as I stretch my arms into their light, catching a glimpse of the scars that trace up my forearms. I rise from my cemented bedroom floor, running my hands down my legs as I reach to flick the unit off. The world outside of my caged room could be heard now. Passing whispered conversations from guards outside in the hallway, a barn owl singing outside the window probably beginning its hunt and then their was my own breathing. My eyes drift from the locks on my window to the locked door I was to stay behind until someone comes to release me.

I was a prisoner in my own home, placed behind locked doors, raised by housemaids and given zero outside contact with the world outside that I never knew. Biting my lip I think of the only person I have been graced with, Nero.

Nero was my bodyguard, his soft tanned skin, the tattoos that littered it, the way his kisses made me feel something besides nothing. He was the only light in the dim existence of my world, and the only thing I think I have ever loved. He has been gone for some time working on some mission father needed him to be on.

Father was the head of this snake of the organization; killing, stealing, and plotting. There wasn't much I knew about my family besides the fact they were all murderers and thieves. My father has never shown me kindness and barely speaks to me unless he's teaching me a lesson for something I didn't please him with. The people here respected my father though, laying their lives on the line when he told them too, doing everything he has ever asked of them. I couldn't fathom the idea of loving a man like him. He was cruel and brutal, tall and dark, his eyes reminding me that there is nothing more for me here besides being used as a pawn for him.


    I pause my thoughts as I hear my name come from behind the locked door I stood in front of. It was the very man I was thinking of. I could almost see him now speaking of another thing I've done wrong. I was to be by his side to pose as the perfect daughter awaiting the man I was to bless with children. In all my lessons I was always reminded that I was to do nothing but sit and listen and to be ready to give my life to the man who wants to alliance with my fathers organization.

    "I'm coming in.."

    "W-wait..." I beg to give myself one more moment to gather my composure. I needed a moment to prepare myself for whatever it was he was going to either say or do to me. The lock clicked and the knob began to twist. "P-please father wait one second..." I stutter as I begin pushing on the opening door. I didn't want this.

    "Stop acting like a child!" He argues, pushing the door roughly open ignoring the fact that his force sends me across the room. Luckily I land on my squeaky mattress, eyes locking on his stern expression. "This is my house, don't forget that." He practically snarls as he looks from me to the four sides of the small room. "We need to talk." He takes a deep breath and fixes the collar of his black button up shirt. I watch as he takes a few steps towards me, his black pants leg coated in something that was dark but dried. Blood... He seemed almost weary and tired as he took a large sigh, slicking his dark black hair back.

    Swallowing and shaking my head back to the present, I stand on my feet, refusing to let him touch me or know just how much his presence affects me. "What-."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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