Part 14

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Before you came round my heart would never beat much faster, before you came round I was ready to slow down, before you came round I was heading for a small disaster, before you came round I was ready to blow me down...let it go. Paint my body gold, take our bodies higher and higher and higher, we can fo until the morning glow, we can go higher and higher and higher...

Out breaths mingled together as we ran through the thick woods. Foreheads and hands slick with sweat but we never let go of one another. My eyes and throat burned from the need to let my emotions run but my adrenaline also pulsed as I thought of my immediate death if we slowed...

"we could get in trouble one day you know?" Teenage Jimin complained as I tugged his hand through the long hallways. "we shouldn't be skipping cla-."

"will you shut up and live a little?" I interrupt his whining as I remove my hand from his, glance around my surroundings; and then push the window up. "you go first whinny boy~." I teased as my fingers itched to be laced with Jimin's once again...

Jimin's wild smirk climbed to his face as he stared at me. "I outta smack you." He scoffed as he ducked out of the window and held it open for me so I could jump out it.

"my ass is right here for the taking." I winked as I grabbed his hand and starting running towards the woods. "it's been weeks since I have seen you and you don't want to sneak out of class with me?" I questioned as we ran through the woods.

"(y/n) don't be stupid. I missed you like crazy." Jimin replied as he grunted tripping over a root. "I've just been busy with some things..."

"(y/n)!" Yoongi snapped as he stirred me from my thoughts. "get in the car." Yoongi said as I stared around the empty road wondering where we even were and how Yoongi knew how to navigate his way through the woods.

I didn't question out loud as I ducked into the black van and Yoongi scooted next to me. My eyes catch on Jungkooks as he turns around in the passenger seat. "where's Jimin?" My eyes widen to the question and my vision goes blurry as I think of his body...

"H-he didn't make it." Yoongi said softly as he gently lowered my un-moving body so that I was laying on his lap. I wanted to move away from his embrace, act like I was fine and strong again... But as he rubbed my back and soothed my crying... I didn't want to move...

"I'm in love with you Jimin..." I say softly as I felt myself heat up. I've been pushing this back for weeks but with him always coming and going; it needed to be done today. "you don't need to say anything ye-."

"I'm not in love with you." Jimin says flatly making my whole body freeze. My eyes shake against his figure as he shrugs and sighs. "I'm sorry that I don't have the same feelings towards you (y/n). but can we still be friends?" he says softly as a smile comes to his face.

"y-yeah we c-."

"oh I gotta go. I'll talk to you later!" Jimin yelled back as he took off...

It was like he tried to avoid what just happened...


I stir against Yoongi's lap as I come out of my sleep. My eyes open as I look up to see Yoongi was asleep as well. His head was pressed against his hand as he curled next to the window. The picture of Yoongi crying before is all that ran over my head as the dying sun and flashing lights passed by the car window and showed the stain lines on his cheeks.

Instinctively I sit up and lick my thumb so that I can clean his face off. I didn't want the others to know he was just as upset as I was for some reason... My thumb gently swiped across his soft cheeks as he cooed in his sleep. I couldn't help but smile as he mumbled.

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