Untitled Part 11

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Yeah, she's in love with the concept as if we're all just how she imagines. Cause we're in love but just don't know it yet. Well, tell me how I'm supposed to see the magic. Cause I don't believe in it no more but I won't tell her, cause I always imagined it'll easier if she thinks she won; so imma let her...

My mind spun with questions as I sat on the edge of my bed. I watched as Yoongi paced in front of me with a cellphone pressed against his head. He didn't tell me anything since he mentioned Namjoon's kidnapping... He went straight to making calls.

"Jimin is on his way to meet up with you and the others, Jin-. What do you mean Hoseok's gone? - No I don't think Tae- What?!" Yoongi stopped in front of me as he listened to Jin on the other side of the phone. His eyes locked on mine as something was muttered into his ears. "I'll go check if he's in his room now..." he said softly as he snapped his fingers at me and pointed towards the door.

I nodded my head, clearly seeing that he wanted me to go check on Taehyung. My hands shook as I shoved them in my pockets and closed the door behind me. I didn't know what to think as I walked down the halls. I tried to picture what my father's men were doing to Namjoon. He could be dead... or worse; tortured... I swallowed the lump in my throat as I tried to focus on the task at hand.

"Taehyung?" I questioned as I rapped my fist against his hotel door. I rubbed my arm as my burning eyes threatened to blur my vision. "Tae?" I repeated myself as I pressed my head against the door to listen to the other side.

"We need to tell her."

"No, we can't tell her this... It'll break her..."

My eyes widened to the very familiar voices that echoed behind the door. I leaned my head away from the door as I rubbed my hand down the rough side of the wall. Go in...With a blink of an eye I busted the door open and grabbed the nearest person and pinned them against the wall.


My burning eyes locked on Hoseok's as I stared up at him. "What's going on here?!" I yelled feeling my chest burn from the unknown. My eyes flicked from Taehyungs tattoo and to Hoseok's as the air in the room fell stale. "And what are you not telling me!"

"(y/n), calm down. Nothing bad is going to happen, just let him do-."

"Answer my fucking question, Taehyung." I spat letting every ounce of remorse I ever felt for the man leave with my words.

"I'll tell you if you let him go." Taehyung said flatly as he took a step closer to me.

I swallowed as I my scanned his dark clothing. "How do I know you will?" I asked as I tightened my grip on choking Hoseok.

Taehyung shrugged his shoulders as he shuffled his feet. "You're just going to have to trust me."

I didn't know what to think. There was something obviously going on here. Hoseok went missing from Jin's team, Tae's wearing all black and keeping to himself about something, Namjoon is gone... fuck it... I loosened my hold on Hoseok before chucking him at the bed. I watched as his large body flopped against the mattress. "Damnit, Tae-." Hoseok began as he rubbed at his red throat. "I told you we needed to tell her."

"So tell me." I roughly say as I close the door behind me with my foot. I crossed my arms to my chest as it clicked shut. "You have three minutes before Yoongi comes over here and looks for me. You two obviously have something to hide, with your matching tattoos and shit. So you tell me and I'll let you go."

"Just like that?" Hoseok scoffed as he continued to rub his throat.

"Just like that." I repeated.

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