Part 17

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Sick of all these people talking, sick of all this noise. Tired of all these cameras flashing, sick of being poised. Now my neck is open wide, begging for a fist around it. Already choking on my pride, so there's no use crying about it. I'm headed straight for the castle. They wanna make me their queen. And there's an old man sitting in the throne saying that I probably shouldn't be so mean. I'm headed straight for the castle. They've got the kingdom locked up. And there's an old man sitting on the throne that's saying I should probably keep my pretty mouth shut.

Straight for the castle...


"Have you heard anything about the results yet?" I asked as I sat crisscross on my bed, staring at my cracked toenail polish. "(y/n)." Yoongi said trying to grab my attention as I stared down at the bed. I could help but keep thinking about my nightmare... The blood, screams, taehyung...

"are you even listening to me?" Yoongi asks softly as he crawls onto the bed and slowly lifts my pulsating head with his finger. "Whoa your eyes are red." He says as he takes my tired head in his hands and rubs his thumbs on my cheeks. "did you not sleep?"

I slowly blinked as I stared at the caring Yoongi in front of me. Without saying anything I just crashed into his chest and listened as his heart beat picked up from the contact. "Yoongi why do you love me?" I asked ignoring the world around me and trying to distract myself from my thoughts.

"(Y/n)..." Yoongi said softly as he rubbed my back. "the 'not-tired' you wouldn't be asking me this." He chuckled lightly as he played with the ends of my hair. After listening to the silent breathing and tiny movements outside the door; Yoongi spoke again, "that abandoned farm where Jimin was shot-." He paused as he felt me tense my back. "I use to live there."

I slowly rose my head as Yoongi's words left his mouth. "you what?" I questioned completely forgetting what I asked him prior to the confession.

Yoongi smiled his gummy smile making the corners of my mouth to follow his. His hand reached down into my own and I found myself fitting inside his spaces perfectly. "I use to live on that farm." He repeated as he ran his hand through my knotted hair, gently pulling the tiny knots out of place. "Before my parents-." He paused to clear his throat obviously not ready to talk about how his parents died.

I gently squeezed his hand as curiosity flooded my mind from the story. "keep going Yoongi."

"when I was like maybe 5 or 6?" he questioned as he scooted himself closer to me; pushing our knees together. "The most important thing I ever had in my life was my little lamb named mincy." He says as a small blush rose to his cheeks.

I giggled as I cupped my other hand on top of our connected ones. "that's so cute."

"yeah whatever-." Yoongi said through his wide smile. He cleared his throat as he began his story once again. "Mincy was born different from all of the other lambs... She was much smaller and wasn't that smart; but she was perfect." He said as he lowered his head and rubbed our hands. "On the day Johnathan came to the farm Mincy snuck through the open door. Luckily I followed her out the door..." Yoongi paused as his eyes began to run glassy.

I reached up and pressed my palm against his burning cheek. "Don't think about their deaths Yoongi... Think about how you are here now-." I paused as my eyes scan across his swollen bottom lip from him biting it. "with me." I finished as I gently ran my thumb under his bottom lip; pulling back as I realized what I was doing.

Yoongi smiled softly as he squeezed our hands back together. "She ran off into those woods we ran through together. The weather was terrible that day, there was going to be a big storm...mincy hated thunder; hid under everything when it happened..." Yoongi paused as his head slowly lowered again. "I ran into the thick woods looking for her, trying to find where she could be; but I didn't know those woods that well... I took what felt like hours but I found her... but when I did... A wolf had gotten to her-."

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