Part 16

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I wanna sleep next to you. But that's all I wanna do right now. And I wanna come home to you. But home is just a room full of my safest sounds. Cause you know that I can't trust myself with my 3 AM shadow. I'd rather fuel a fantasy than deal with this alone. I wanna sleep next to you. But that's all I wanna do right now. So come over now and talk me down. I wanna hold hands with you. But that's all I wanna do right now. And I wanna get close to you. Cause your hands and lips still know their way around. And I know I like to draw the line, when it starts to get too real... But the less time that I spend with you, the less you need to heal....

"(y/n). We got the doctor..."

My eyes scanned over the shaken up man who sat in front of me. There was a clear deep bruise that circled his left eye. I looked at the many supplies that circled Taehyungs office. "What the hell did you do to him?" I questioned Yoongi as I looked at him with disappointment. I wanted to laugh a little at the thought of Yoongi walking in and just knocking out the doctor... actually it sounded kinda hot...

"w-whats going to ha-happen t-to m-m-me." The young doctor asked as he squeezed the metal rim of the chair beneath him.

I rubbed my chin as I looked up at Taehyung. Our eyes met and we both quickly looked away from each other as a memory of what happened before this stained out brains. Why am I just now looking at him like this...

"you're here to-." Jungkook paused as he slapped the stammering doctor. The doctor fell silent as he came back to his mindset. "Dr.Dee I'm gonna need you to focus here okay?" Jungkook said as he grabbed the Docs chin. "see these two here." He said as he pointed at me and tae. "we need you to run a test on them to see if they are related, got it?"

The room fell silent as the doctor took a deep breath and nodded to the agreement. "why did you need to t-take me this way? You could have just ca-."

"WE DON'T HAVE TIME DOC!" Taehyung yelled making everyone in the room to jump, including the doctor who immediately stood up and began setting up what he needed. I glared at taehyung and shook my head in disappointment. "what? We really don't have time for this." He said as he stared at me.

After finding out that taehyung and I could be possible relatives... There was something in me that hoped- screamed, that he wasn't... I didn't know why; but my body reacted differently when I looked at him. He wasn't this asshole who tricked everyone, including myself, to think we were a part of something important... No; he was this attractive, deep voiced, tan skinned, man... It was the weirdest feeling I have ever felt in my life... I never even looked at Namjoon that way...

Please don't be my brother...


"alright it will take a full 24 hours for the test to be checked but I'm just saying this would have been a lot easier if you just came to my of-."

"thanks doc but I want a free checkup." Taehyung said as he situated the band aid that was on his freshly opened vein.

"wait im not ge-getting p-."

"just be happy I don't give you another black eye doc." Yoongi said as he stepped into the room. He smirked at the doc and then looked at me. "It's time to lay down."

Taehyung laughed as I stood up from the chair and walked towards Yoongi. "I'm sorry does Yoongi give you a bed time?"

I smirked lightly as I stepped through the door and waited for Yoongi to follow me. There was something inside me that was pleased that Taehyung was a little jealous about the connection between Yoongi and I...

"no I just want her to sleep with me." Yoongi says making my eyes widen. "come on (y/n)." He smirks as he wraps his arm around my body and pulls me close to him as we begin to walk away.

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