Chapter 4: Descending To The Mortal World

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(On the other side of the Nine Heavens' capital in the crown prince's palace, a certain pair of lovers sat opposite each other on the bed.)

(Ren gently held Lian's hands, his expression downcast.)

(Now, it wouldn't be long anymore until his beloved had to leave for the mortal world.)

(Two months of waiting... were too long.)

(Lian tried to gauge his lover's expression and couldn't help but speak to cheer him up.)

(This dispirited look didn't suit him.)

Lian: "It is but one mortal lifetime. I'll be back soon enough."

Ren: "Mn. I know that."

(Ren sighed and lifted Lian's hands to his lips, gently brushing his lips against his knuckles.)

Ren: "You said you have to go so ... I won't hold you back. Just concentrate on doing your trial down there and don't think about anything else."

(Lian smiled and lowered his head.)

Lian: "I won't remember my life here when I wake up in the mortal realm. It'll be a new life. So... Just wait for me, yes? When I come back we'll get married immediately."

(Ren nodded.)

Ren: "I'll guard you for the time of the trial."

(Lian glanced up, his cheeks flushing red. To guard his immortal body for the duration of his trial... How did he deserve such a great man? Hopefully, his trial wouldn't take too long.)

Lian: "I ..."

(He looked at his hands in Ren's bigger ones.)

(He wanted to say that he loved him but maybe Ren would think he was too direct if he did so?)

Ren: "What is it, my love?"

(Ren lifted one hand and brushed Lian's hair behind his ear, a smile lighting up his face.)

(Ah, how much he loved touching him like this.)

Lian: "I'll miss you."

(Lian shoved all those doubts aside, leaned forward and kissed his lover's cheek.)

(Before Ren had time to react Lian had grabbed the little flask beside his bed and gulped the liquid inside down.)

(His eyelids fluttered before his expression blanked and his body fell down.)

(Ren caught him and gently lowered him onto the bed, rearranging his sleeves and hair for him.)

(Ah, he couldn't let his beloved look any less perfect than he usually did!)

(He looked into that lovely face and smiled, giving a light sigh.)

Ren: "Lian, how could you do that to me? Kissing me and then just descending to the human world ..."

(He watched as Lian's soul separated from his body and floated in the air as if it too was taking a last look at Lian's lover.)

(Then it finally flew out of the window and descended to the human world.)

(Ren cupped Lian's cheeks and gently kissed his brow, his lips lingering on the still-warm skin a moment longer.)

Ren: "Don't miss me too much. We'll see each other again very, very soon."

(He got up with a smile and turned to the door.)

Ren: "Drakonax, Emberastra."

(Two dragons stepped into the room and bowed.)

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