Chapter 10: A Cultured, Young Daoist

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(On that morning, Ren bent over Lian's mortal reincarnation and held his small hands.)

(He gave a bright smile and the boy seemed to reciprocate it even though he couldn't see him.)

(Ren felt deeply satisfied.)

(Normally, Madam Tianyu wouldn't leave her son's side for even a second.)

(But today she had prepared her husband's meal and accompanied him outside.)

(For a while, Ren would have Jing Yi all to himself.)

Ren: "Lian."

(He sighed.)

(thinking of how only a few weeks had passed in the human realm.)

(In the Nine Heavens, it hadn't even been two hours and he already missed him.)

Ren: "How can I wait a whole mortal life for you?"

(He wished Jing Yi could've answered him.)

(but the boy couldn't hear him just like all those other humans.)

(But if Ren was honest that might be better.)

(He had wanted to help him through saving his mother.)

(but now such rumors had abounded.)

(Ren's face fell thinking of that.)

(Lian's reputation in the Nine Heavens was stellar.)

(but now he had just been reincarnated in this mortal realm.)

(and he was treated like a leper.)

(Humans were such inferior creatures!)

(Just when he was cursing the mortal race.)

(in his mind voices were raised outside.)

Mister Wang: "Qiguan Cheng Da!"

(Of course, this was Mister Wang who was the first one to hurry toward Madam Qiguan's son.)

Mister Wang: "How nice of you to swing by!"

(He made sure not to sound as if he had already known that Qiguan Cheng Da would come.)

(After all, he was a cultured man who didn't do this for the fame!)

(His gaze flitted to Madam Qiguan who waddled up behind him.)

Madam Qiguan: "Cheng'er!"

(She took her son by the arm and looked him up and down.)

Madam Qiguan: "You're looking really well!"

Mister Wang: "Indeed, indeed!" 

(Mister Wang agreed.)

Mister Wang: "Being a Daoist does you good!"

(Ren pricked up his ears inside the Tianyu's house. Daoist?)

(What was a Daoist doing in such a remote village?)

Ren: "They wouldn't have called him because of you, would they?"

(He stroked Lian's black shock of hair.)

(The boy gurgled happily and extended his small hands.)

(Ren surrendered one of his fingers to him and observed what happened outside.)

(Qiguan Cheng Da lifted his chin up and smiled to give the impression of a charitable gentleman.)

(In Ren's eyes, he seemed more like a cock trying to become a peacock.)

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