Chapter 5: A Mortal Child Born

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(Ren found himself in a rural village when he reached the mortal world.)

(About a dozen crooked huts with thatched roofs crowded around a square of bare soil.)

(It was night but the traces of the villagers were still visible in the mud.)

(One woman could be seen outside fetching water from a well at the square's edge before she returned to one of the houses.)

(Ren shuddered.)

Ren: This was the place where his beloved was supposed to live from now on? How could that be?! His Lian was such a beautiful and refined person! He shouldn't be living in such a ... such a dump!

(He grumbled but there was nothing he could do.)

(First of all, he had to find his beloved's mortal reincarnation.)

(Ah, this shouldn't be too hard. Since his beloved would reincarnate this should be the night in which Lian's new life began.)

(Thus he could only be a newborn child. How many could there be in such a small village?)

(Ren concealed his body from mortal eyes and followed the traces of Lian's soul to the sole illuminated window in the whole village.)

(He peeked inside and his expression darkened.)

(The woman he had seen outside before poured the water into a basin and placed it next to a bed.)

(As expected, a second woman was about to give birth to a child. Or rather: She tried to.)

(Her face had lost all color and blood had already dyed the bed below her.)

(Ren clenched his fists.)

(The child she was about to give birth to was Lian's mortal reincarnation.)

Ren: Nothing bad was allowed to happen! How would his mortal life be if his mother died or he came to harm at birth? No, he had to do something!

(Ren looked around, but no physician or midwife could be seen.)

(Without any other idea, he waved his hand and the dark clothing from the Nine Heavens appeared as a Daoist's robe.)

(Didn't all Daoists perform good deeds? Surely, the two women wouldn't find it strange if he offered his help to save this mother and child!)

(He dropped the spell concealing his figure and knocked on the door just as a woman's scream rang out inside.)

(He waited impatiently but apparently, the women hadn't heard him.)

(He knocked again, louder this time, and, sure enough, steps approached the door.)

(The woman - the Tianyu's neighbor opened the door in a bad mood.)

(Madam Tianyu had been in labor for a fairly long time, but the child still wasn't born and her condition got worse by the minute.)

(Obviously, something was wrong and maybe Madam Tianyu wouldn't even live through the night.)

(Who knocked at the door in such a moment? Mister Tianyu would storm right into the house if he had brought the physician.)

(Disgruntled, she looked up to the untimely visitor only to freeze at once.)

(Her incredulous gaze astonished Ren but he didn't bother to ask and instead cupped his hands and bowed.)

Ren: "Miss. I was on my way to town when I heard the screams of a woman. Might you need my help?"

(The young woman didn't know what to say.)

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