04 - love it when you call

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Text exchange between Char & Mia:

"Hey, hope you're ok? Work has dragged xxx"

"Hey sweetheart, my flight is delayed. The airport is noisy, bratty kids everywhere!! 😡Why has work dragged, sweetheart? 🖤 xoxo"

Text exchange between Reece & Mia:

"Mia, I hope you're not leading this one on. Char's a good girl, she has fallen for you already, just hearing her talk about you this morning and the big smile on her face. Different girl to yesterday. Please, please, please don't make this one of your conquests. 😐 Are you really heading out to Phuket or is it just an excuse?"

"How rude! 😮😮😮 I know you think you know me but... rude! Yes I am on my way to Phuket, I'm sorting Diana's website and marketing out, then on to Bali for a photoshoot. Got to make a living somehow since I was sacked from the nursery! xoxo"

"I mean it Mia, no games. I'd have you back in my nursery."

"Reecey, there's no games. I don't need the nursery job, I'm on the board remember. I can help if you need me to though, but don't send me to Knight Nursery East again! xoxo"

"Promise? I know you...😡. No, you can work at West with me. We could call you the wicked witch of the west.😎"

"I promise. 😇 Please don't mock me but I really think I've fallen head over heels for this one. She's different. She's special. By the way, you know the wicked witch of the East was the most evil one 😏 xoxo"

"I'm not going to mock you. Just don't disappoint me. I mean it. We know every inch of each others body and personality. Don't hurt her 😡😡😡 and don't call my girlfriend a witch!"

"Don't call me one then! I know, I need to take it slow and tread carefully with this one. I've never felt this way before. About anyone. You know it was fun, is, but not really what I wanted. I'm truly happy for you and Marjorie 😍 xoxo"

"It's fine. And thank you, I've really fallen for her 🫢"

"Babe, my flights being called. Look after our girl for me 🥰 xoxoxo"


Text exchange between Char & Mia:

"Work has just been a weird day. Lack of sleep didn't help but I wouldn't have changed that for the world.😏 I've got to go, Mia, Ben has picked the girls up from school today as after school care was cancelled. He is dropping them at the nursery when I finish my shift because he obviously can't keep them half an hour longer 🙄 haven't okayed it with Reece yet so I need to go do that before he turns up 🫡 xxx"

"Okay sweetheart, my flight is being called now anyway. I swear, if I am sat near any of these annoying kids on this flight..... 🤬xoxo"

"Oh Mia, anyone would think you hated kids! 😮xxx"

"I do! Joking. 😉 It's the parents I hate. Gtg will call later💋xoxo"


My flight was uneventful, thankfully the noisy children slept which also meant I could get some rest of my own, at least keep my eyes shut anyway. I had too many things running through my head to sleep. I was really missing Charlotte. I literally could not get the girl out of my head. I've really got it bad for her.

I landed in Thailand later than planned so I took a cab from the airport. I didn't want my friend or any of her staff to go out of their way to fetch me. I also decided it was too late to call Char during the cab ride. My brain can't work out the time difference right now but I would imagine she is putting her children to bed, or even heading to bed herself. Mmmm, bed with Char... I decide to text her, hoping she is still up.

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