18 - hey mickey, you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind

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Bit of a fluffy chapter. Inspired by the WCP photoshoot behind the scenes clip of Charlotte dressed as Mia and Ant wearing Reece's wig.

 Inspired by the WCP photoshoot behind the scenes clip of Charlotte dressed as Mia and Ant wearing Reece's wig

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It's early, the sunlight filtering through the curtains. I take a long stretch in bed and turn over to see Char still sleeping soundly. We'd had a fairly late night, getting back to the room we showered and spent a couple hours admiring each other's bodies in bed. I loved how confident Char was becoming, wanting to try different positions and actions. Of course, it wasn't all about the sex. I was craving the comfort, I was enjoying the cuddles, the hand holding, the back tickles and so much more. We were both stepping out of our comfort zones and meeting in the middle. It was perfection. "Wake up," I whispered.

"Mmmmmmm just a few more minutes," Charlotte moaned, lazily.

"Aha, so you were awake? Come on, lazybones!" I yanked the sheet away and got out of bed.

"Amelia Roberts, whyyyyyyyy?"

I sunk back onto bed, "why not?" I asked.

"Because if you get up, I can't do this," Charlotte then reached for me and kissed me hard, "good morning."

"Sneaky!" I grinned at her. "Now get up."

"Coffee. Need. Now."

I laughed as I put the coffee machine on to warm up, remembering how grumpy she could be before her morning coffees. "Fine, but if you get up you have access to unlimited coffee at breakfast...." I teased. Breakfast here wasn't to be missed. I poured her a coffee and decided to pick out an outfit.

"Thank you." As she took that first sip, I could almost see the change in her personality, like a wave of calm rushing over her, "What's the plan today then, beautiful?" Charlotte asked. See, a different person.

"Welllllll, I've booked you in to get your nails done at 9:30. I will go for a swim whilst you're there." I began, Charlotte smiling back, "then, I was thinking of driving us into London, we could go to Westfield and I'll treat you to an outfit for dinner tonight? And maybe some other treats?"

"Mia, you don't need to treat me to anything," Charlotte said, "but I am looking forward to getting a manicure, so thank you."

"I want to treat you. Plus, bet you didn't bring much with you considering you thought it was just one night away?"

"Well no, actually, thanks again for the surprise," Charlotte rolled her eyes and smiled at me.

"So come on, let's grab some breakfast and get on with our day..."

"Fine!" Oh dear, more coffee needed!

We headed down to the restaurant for breakfast, funnily enough, we were seated right next to Reece and Marjorie's table. Great! We made some small talk, good morning, how are you, that sort of thing.

"So, what are you two planning today then?" Marjorie asks, potentially not out of interest, probably more so that we didn't end up bumping into them again.

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