22 - you're amazing

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A little bit of spice...

Bedtime was just what we both needed. Charlotte took my hand and pulled me off of the sofa, allowing me to shower whilst she arranged the girls' school,uniforms ready for the morning, then she took a quick shower.

"Sweetheart, are you sure it's okay to sleep in here with you? Will the girls think it's strange?" I asked softly.

Charlotte looked at me, confused, "Mia, it's fine. We'll just tell them you snore or something," she laughed.

"Great, I've gone from being the cryer to the snorer!"

"It will be fine, stop worrying." She locked her bedroom door and quickly hopped into bed next to me, leaning over and kissing me. She flashed me a cute smile and then continued to kiss me before I had chance to say anything. It felt so good and I melted into it pulling her on top of me so she was straddling my tummy. Her hands are roaming all over my body and then she begins to slide my shorts off (which I helped with, due to the weird angle she was sat at!), quickly followed by my vest top. Her hands caress my breasts in ways I didn't know she was capable of, it felt so good. Her wet lips gently took my nipples into her mouth, alternating each side. I moaned softly. I bit my bottom lip and was a helpless mess below her. I pulled her closer to me, kissing her leaving us both a bit breathless. Charlotte then reached for her nightie and removed it, smirking when she caught me looking at her. She quickly dove back to my mouth, kissing me more hungrily, pinning me to the bed with her hands over mine. Her kisses soon started travelling downwards, my jaw, my neck, my collarbone, my nipples and then all over my tummy. Her fingers lightly tracing around my breasts and down the sides of my tummy. Her fingers gradually fining their way to my core where she slid two fingers in easily. I was so wet for her and she was turning me on so much with the confidence she was exhibiting. "Mmmm, you're so wet for me," she moaned into my tummy where she continued to place tiny kisses. Her fingers moving faster, my body arching with her movements.

"Sweetheart, I can't..." I gasped, god, what was she doing to me. I was feeling every tiny movement and all were hitting the right places. I felt like I was going to explode already.

"Let it out, Amelia, for me," she said softly, I moaned again and took a breath as I felt a release. "Yes, beautiful."

Her words. Her fingers. Everything was a blur. Just when I thought I could relax, she put one leg over her shoulder and her mouth was soon on my clit, softly nibbling and playing. I gripped the bedsheets harder with the pressure she put onto my tummy with one hand, her fingers moving softly inside of me again. I was soon coming again. Fuck. That was so intense and had reduced me to a panting mess, unable to speak. My body was well and truly at her mercy.

"Char..." I started. Her lips found mine again.

Her voice, barely a whisper. "Shhh, relax..." she lay beside me, head on my chest and arm loosely draped over my tummy, fingers grazing over my hip. It tickled slightly. My body was slowly calming down and my breathing was returning to normal.

"Sweetheart, what did I do to deserve that? And, I thought I was choosing top or bottom?" I smirked at her as she glanced up at me.

"I don't know what came over me, I just had to have you." She shrugged.

"You're amazing," I said, kissing her forehead. "I love your confidence in bed now." I love you, I thought. My eyes getting heavy.

"You're pretty amazing, yourself Mia," she said. "I love this. I love that I'm going to wake up to you in the morning."

"Mmm," was all I could say before sleep took over, both of us were exhausted and soon sound asleep.

Charlottes phone buzzing woke us both up at 6:30am. "What the hell?" She said, grumpily. Glancing at her phone, "ugh, for fucks sake."

"What is it?" I asked, my eyes still closed, fearing the worst.



"Breakfast club is cancelled due to a staff shortage. What the hell, don't they have cover in place like we do at nursery?" She flopped back down in bed. "Marjorie is going to kill me if I can't go in this morning. When I spoke to her yesterday, she said she really needed me so that's why I was getting the girls into breakfast club. I'm gonna have to call my mum..."

"Sweetheart, I can take the girls to school?" I offered.

"Really? You would do that?" She sounded shocked.

"Of course!" What, didn't she trust me? "Obviously, if the girls were happy for me to take them?"

"They would love that, I'm sure." She reached over to me and kissed me.

"I can get them breakfast at home, drop them to school and then how about I take you out for breakfast afterwards..?" I suggested. "Your shift doesn't start until 9am, right? How long do you need to be cleaning up with Marjorie? 30 minutes? 45?"

"We need to hoover the baby room and the tackle the kitchen. We kinda dumped all the tea items in there on Friday so it's a good chunk of washing up and wiping down to do. Maybe 45 minutes?"

"Okay, what time does school open, 8:15? I'll swing up to the nursery straight after to pick you up and we should have a good 30 minutes to grab a coffee and a croissant in Coffee #1?"

"Sounds good to me!" She grinned. "I should get up, I need coffee..."

I heard her go in to the girls rooms and draw the curtains, letting them wake up naturally with the light coming in. I hoped the girls would be okay with me taking them to school, I could feel that nervous feeling creeping into my tummy again. I quickly slipped my pyjamas back on, just in case we had any bedroom visitors that morning. She soon returned to bed with two coffees. "Thank you, sweetheart," I said. And, as if on cue, Maddie came bouncing into the room and climbed up onto the bed and cuddled in to Charlotte.

"Mia!" She said cheerfully.

"Good morning, darling, did you sleep well?" I asked her softly. She bounced over to sit between us.

"Yeah, you didn't sleep on the bunk bed though." She stated, potentially disappointed.

"No, I slept here because me and mummy were talking too much." I giggled. Talking!

"Oh, okay, mum what's for breakfast? Can we have pancakes?"

"Go and get Olivia, there's something I need to ask you both." Charlotte asked her politely.

"Okay..." the little one rolled her eyes and scarpered out of the room to wake her sister.

"Mia, you know next time you stay over you're gonna have to move to the bunk bed before she wakes up," Charlotte said, laughing. I rolled my eyes.

The girls came back into the room and Olivia gave Charlotte a sleepy hug. "My babies, breakfast club at school is cancelled as Mrs Maguire is unwell today. Would it be okay if you had breakfast with Mia at home and she drops you to school? Mummy has to go to work early with Auntie Marjorie."

"Wait, do we get to go in the sports car?" Olivia asked.

"Sure!" I said.

"Yes!" Olivia shouted. "Of course that's okay."

"Mia, do you even know what school we go to?" Maddie asked.

Boy, this kid sure asked a lot of tricky questions. Perks of being the second child I suppose and not missing a trick. "Yes I do Maddie, your mummy has told me about your school before. Plus, if I get lost, I am sure you will be able to show me the way." I said, tickling her and making her giggle.

"Right girlies, I would like you to go and get dressed, leave Mia and I to get dressed, and then Mia will fix some breakfast for you when I leave for work, okay?

"Okay mummy/yes mum," the girls replied together as they left the room.

"Thank you," Charlotte said as she gave me another kiss.

"You're welcome, and it's absolutely fine. It's my pleasure to take them to school." I smiled, never in a million years I thought I'd be doing school runs but here we are, and it just felt so right.


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