21 - some people are worth melting for

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Another "family" chapter. It could have been longer but didn't feel the smutty part belonged on the same page as the children 🙈

Charlotte joined us on the sofa and handed the girls their strawberries. As the girls sat up to eat, Charlotte slipped her hand into mine and squeezed me gently. Obviously out of sight of little eyes! I had only been sat with the girls for an hour or so, barely known them more than an hour and I was truly in love. They were both adorable and they seemed to like me which I guess was always a plus. Olivia, the eldest, was very mature with her words, was Charlotte's mini-me, and loved her little sister. Madison, the youngest at just four years old (nearly 5 I was sharply told!) was just adorable in a cheeky way. She was so tiny for her age and loved to snuggle. I was even more in love with Charlotte now. I just wanted to stay here forever, my little ready-made family. I was almost upset that I had to leave tomorrow for some more overseas business.

"Mia," she started in a hushed tone, "would you mind if I just went out into the kitchen to do some chores? Swap the laundry etc.?"

"Mummy, be quiet please," Madison said, clearly annoyed at her mum talking over her favourite movie.

"Hey, you cheeky little monkey!" Charlotte tickled her on the side, Maddie giggled and turned round to poke her tongue out. "Girls, what do you want to order from the Chinese? I'll call the order in soon."

"Sweetheart, I'll sort that out. I've got an app on my phone, I'll do it right now." I offered.

"Sweetheart?" Olivia turned round to me and raised her eyebrows, definitely a mini Charlotte.

I laughed, shit. "And you, sweetheart, what Chinese food is your favourite?" I asked Olivia.

"Oooh, can we get prawn toast please?" She replied. Phew, dodged that one. "Oh and some satay chicken sticks."

"Red noodles," Maddie said.

"What do you say?" Charlotte piped up.

"Pleeeeeeease!" Both girls said together.

I pulled my phone out to start the order, "Okay, chicken satay, prawn toast... red noodles, what? Char?""

"She means noodles with the red bbq sauce." Charlotte glanced at the menu on my phone, "Um.... What about some Hong Kong sweet and sour something? Chicken? Maybe some prawns?"

"King prawn with ginger is good. Oh what about some pineapple fritters?" I added the items.

Charlotte nodded, "sounds good, fried rice or chow mein?"

"Rice." Olivia piped up, "please!"

"Rice it is...." I say as I added some rice and quickly checked out. "It'll be delivered at 6:30." With that, the film credits started to roll.

"Right, my darlings, before the food gets here, I would like you both to go up to your rooms, unpack your bags from daddy's."


"Olivia, come on please. Show Mia how helpful you, are. Take your sister up, unpack your bags please. Then I would like you to bring your school bags down and I'll check your reading diaries and we can do your reading quickly before school tomorrow."Charlotte told them softly,  but firmly.

"C'mon, Mads," Olivia huffed a little, but waited for her sister to slide off the sofa and follow her.

Charlotte turned to me, "Mia, they absolutely adore you."

I grinned, "Really?" This absolutely melted my heart. "Char,"I began, a little hesitant.


"They are so cute." What I really wanted to say was 'I love you'.

Charlotte leaned into me and we kissed for a minute, "Mia, thank you for the most amazing weekend, and thank you for being so great with the girls. It truly means a lot and I'm so pleased you've all met." She grinned, "My three favourite girls."

"Are you sure you want me to stay tonight? I mean, they looked a little worried earlier when you said I was staying."

"It's fine, Maddie was probably just wondering if you were going to sleep on the top or the bottom bunk!" Charlotte giggled.

"I'm in a bunk tonight?" I asked.

"Absolutely not. You are sleeping in my bed, with me." She said confidently, then cheekily added, "But you can still choose top or bottom."

"Charlotte!!" I covered my eyes and laughed.

"Uh-oh, footsteps coming down the stairs!" Wow, her hearing was impeccable as I never heard anything. Good job she could sense the girls returning.

The girls did their reading with no problems, just as Charlotte had thought, they hadn't done any with their dad all weekend. The Chinese food was delivered and we all enjoyed dinner together and Char was able to swap the laundry over in between the food arriving and us eating. We started watching Frozen 2, at Maddie's request. Although Maddie soon fell asleep at 30 minutes into the movie. As we were all comfortable and snuggled up with a blanket, we let her sleep through the whole film which mean5 Olivia also got to stay up a little later than normal.

"Right, Olivia... time for bed!" Charlotte said softly to her eldest.

"Ugh, mum..." she moaned but still made her way off of the sofa. "Night, Mia."

"Goodnight, darling," I said to her and returned the hug she gave me. My heart melting again.

"Mads," Charlotte said softly to her youngest, "bedtime, baby girl."

"Mia take me," a groggy little voice said, half asleep.

"You want Mia to take you?"

"Mia," she replied.

"It's okay, sweetheart, I can take her," I lifted the sleepy Madison and followed Olivia upstairs, Charlotte close behind. Settling her in her bed, she snuggled down and was soon back in a deep sleep.

"Olivia, you're both going to breakfast club at school tomorrow morning as I have work early tomorrow." Charlotte explained, "which means we have to be up and out of the house by 7:30."

"Okay, mummy, love you," she said, snuggling down into her bed.

"Love you too, darling," Charlotte said softly, turning on her fairy lights.

We exited the room and headed back downstairs, working together to pack away the leftover food. "Mia, thank you, you're bloody amazing, you know that?"

"Sweetheart, I'm not," I laughed softly.

"You are to me," she wrapped her arms around my shoulders and neck, planting a soft kiss on my lips.

I melted into the kiss. It felt like we had entered a new era now, now I've met the girls, it felt like we were one step closer to making our relationship official, I didn't want to have that conversation tonight though, too deep. We were both tired and Charlotte has work early in the morning. "Sweetheart, shall we get an early night in too?" I suggested, noting the time was ticking on.

Charlotte gasped, "Amelia, are you just trying to get me into bed?" She raised her eyebrows at me.

"Absolutely!" I laughed, "because we're tired and you have to be up for work super early, I've got travelling to do tomorrow."

"Ughhh, work." She pouted her lips, "and I can't believe you're jetting off again!"

"It's only a few days, I'll be back in no time." We stood hugging in the kitchen for a few minutes, both silent and just taking in each other's comfort. I broke the silence, "come on, sweetheart.  Shower then bed?"

"Sounds perfect." Charlotte replied and led the way to her bedroom.


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