Chapter 7

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Louise P.O.V

"Ricardo,I don't think what you're doing is right."I said to my husband as I brushed my hair.

"Eh?The hell are you talkin' about,Louise?"

"We can't keep the poor girl here forever.She misses her mother,I can tell."I said turning towards him.

"Look,this is business and you know this already.Until her Ma coughs up the doe Michael owed me we're keepin' the girl."

I sighed."I know,but...Just dont let anyone hurt her.Not Vinnie,not Paulie,not anybody..."I said turning towards the man I loved so dearly.

Despite our age difference,Im 39 and he's 54,we still love each other very much...Even though what he did was unforgivable...That poor man.I know the truth,but I don't think Layla is ready to hear it yet.

"I won't,sweetheart.Now get to bed,I'm going out.Its poker night down at the bar."He said kissing my forehead and leaving.

I sighed and laid down in the bed.Empty and cold.Layla doesn't deserve this.
Layla P.O.V

'Senior Prom' Was what the banner hanging from the beam at the top of the ceiling said.

When I walked into home room the intercom came on.

"Alright Seniors!Get your designer duds on and find that special someone because prom is right around the corner.In two weeks from now.From 7 to 12 will be prom night.Ask your teacher for more information."

As half the class crowded around the teacher,I sat down with my usual group;Ben,Bailey,Derrick,and Edwin.

"Yes!I can't wait for prom night.Can you,Layla?"Bailey asked getting in my face.

"Bailey,get your lame ass outta Layla's face."Ben said pulling his sister back.

"Why don't you shut up?"She retorted.

While the two of them called each other names,Derrick started to talk to me.

"So,you excited?"He asked.

"I guess...I mean,this is my first senior prom.I just wonder if someone will ask me."I really want him to ask me,truthfully.

He began to speak but Ben came over and sat in the seat next to me.He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close to him.

"Hey Layla,I've been thinking...Do you wanna go to prom together?"He had a sly smile and a twinkle in his blue eyes.

My heart raced and my face felt hot.Without thinking I responded.

"Uh,um.Yeah,I guess."

"Hell yeah."He yelled out of his seat.

I giggled.I looked back at the seat Derrick was sitting in and he was gone.I hadn't even noticed he'd left.I wonder why he left.

Brittany P.O.V

Damn it! I wish I could go to senior prom,but I need to get invited.Even Bailey, my little sister, gets to go, four eyed little freak.bI sighed.

Maybe I can give head to one of the guys and they'll take me.Yeah,I haven't sucked Earl off since last year.Man,I had him wrapped around my finger that whole year.

When I turned the corner,I ran smack dab into some dumbass.

"Ugh,watch where the fuck you're..."When I saw who it was I smiled.

"Sorry Brittany."Derrick said.

He looked like something was wrong.

"Its cool,whats wrong?"I said brushing off some dirt from his shirt.I could feel all the hard creases and crevices that made his abs.

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