Chapter Two

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Layla P.O.V

I awoke from the sound of the car hitting a hard bump.It came to a stop about 5 minutes later.

"Is this for real? No...No this can't be real...Its a dream."I said to myself as my heart began to race.

I heard voices coming from outside the car;the men from yesterday...Earlier? Two days ago?I really don't know how long ago I was abducted.It feels like I've been in this trunk for days.Is it night time or daylight outside, I wouldn't know.

Finally, someone opened the trunk. The bright light singed my eyes and I gasped. It took me quite a while for my eyes to adjust to the blinding light,but eventually I got my vision back.Only when I did, my eyes fell on a big guy and an older man.The same two from when I was taken.

"Hey beautiful."The older guy said,

I gave him a disgusted look and he smirked.

"Seriously, Vinnie, you gotta stop.You know you got a wife and kids, man."The bigger guy said.

"Tch, whateva.Just bring the broad in so the boss can see her."Vinnie said stuffing his hands in his pockets.

I couldn't move, maybe because my hands and feet were binded together with very rough rope.

The big guy grabbed me and hoisted me over his shoulder. We were going into some building.All the time we were getting closer to the door, I was wonderig who this boss was and what he was gping to do with me...What does he want with me for the matter?

Once inside, I was sat down on the floor in a room.The bigger guy had left, but two men had entered. I recognized one from the break in, but the other not at all.

He was short, had his black hair slicked back,he had light wrinkles and he was a little on the pudgy side.

He smiled.

"Well, if it isn't little Layla."He said walking towards me."I haven't seen you since you were this little."He said holding his hand down to his leg, showing me how small I used to me.

"How do you know me?"I asked a bit freaked out.

"Hm...I knew your father.Great man, sad his time had to come to an end."He said still keeping that same smile on his face.

Something about him...Wasn't right...Like he knew something...

"Ya know, before he died, he couldn't pay his debt...That's what I heard anyways.You probably don't remember anyways..."

"No...What do you even want with me?"I asked.

"I'm going to use you as collateral. Just think of yourself as my daughter from now on because now, you're worth $960,000 and until I get my money, your not leaving. "He said chuckling as he left the room with the other man.

What was he talking about?

My mind drifted and I started think about my dad.

I rememberI watched as my father's casket decended into the rectangular hole in the ground.Everyone was dressed in black clothing, including me.Mom was wearing some kind of cover over her eyes so no one could see her face.

I had no idea what happened.

I mean, I've been to a funeral before, but it was just so sudden.

He died in a car accident. The car's breaks wouldn't work and he drove off a cliff . That's what I overhead Mom and the dectectives say.

I may have been 9, but I knew what was going on.

I also recall a man, woman,a young girl ,who looked slightly older than I was, and a boy that looked about my age at the time.

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