Chapter One

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Layla P.O.V

Ugh, what a day . I'm a waitress at a very busy restaurant which also happens to be on the other side of town...and since my car got in that wreck, courtesy of my cousin, I've been spending all the money I've made on repairs.Plus, I have to walk to and from work.

My feet are killing me and the boss ordered all the girls to wear high heels around the restaurant for a Playboy.Its also a little chilly and he made us wear shorts dresses as well. I mean it is pretty and all, but I knownsome guys were starring for other reasons.

"Damn, its freezing..."I said watching my breath flow out in a puff of cold air.

If thisnis going to be like the movies where some car comes out of no where and splashes a muddy puddle onto me, hurry up!

Luckily, I made it home before it was possible. I grabbed my keys from my purse and unlocked the door...The door isn't locked.Maybe mom forgot...

As I opened the door, I noticed that the lights were on in the kitchen and living room. Thats odd because Mom isn't even here so why are the lights on?

I crept into thw kitchen and found smashed cups and plates and  a few appliances were broken.I glanced at the livingroom and it was much worse:

The TV was smashed, so were some windows, the furniture was out of place, the  coffee table was smashed in two, the couch had marks in it, and on the wall...There was somethig written in, hopefully a red marker.


What stuff?

I was horrified.I was shocked.I was scared.Then I heard a loud smash from the dinning room.

They're still here!

...and so was I...

I couldn't move and I heard voices.

"Tch, she ain't got nothin'."A man's voice said as I heard it getting closer.

I was paralyzed. Someone was in my home and I'm so scared I can't even get away. My heart is racing so fast.My breathing is also heavier. I'm no longer cold, but hot.Blazing hot. Anxiety and fear overtook my body and I fell onto a wall to lean on.

I held my chest. I couldn't think straight and I...I...I just can't. I don't know what to do.

Oh God, please help me...

My phone vibrated and I saw it was just a voice mail from my mom with 13 missed calls.I quickly listened to it.

"Layla, you need to get away from the house now! Please do not go inside, oh please don't! I love you so much."She sounded like she was crying

I worked up enough strength to go to another room in the house;Big mistake.

Some arms grabbed me and as much as in kicked and screamed, there was no use.I began to feel lightheaded, all my screaming was muffled into a hand bigger than my face and that alone tired me out.

"Hey, look what I found. Maybe we can use her as collateral."The guy holding me said as he told two other guys.

One smirked. "She's a beauty thats for sure."Said a guy with a few grey hairs.He was probably in his late forties and he was hitting on me . Gross!

"Hey, we're not here to flirt, we're here for something more. Money and obviously she doesn't have it,not here anyways. This must be the kid...She's certainly gotten bigger than the last time, there for much more valuable to the ma...Take her to the car."The man said pointing to the door.

Upon hearing those words, I fainted. Like an idiot, I fainted.I didn't fight back, I didn't yell again, I didn't do anything but faint like a coward. Whether im scared or not, I'm a coward.

Just as I thought, theh threw me into the trunk of a car. It smelt like liquor and cigarettes, so much for a new car smell.It was cramped and I could barely move.This was a bad place to start hyperventilating.

"Okay Layla, calm down, calm down...You're going to be okay. "If I hadn't calmed down, my heart would have nearly busted through my chest.

Just when I was about to take hold of my situation, the car hit an extremely hard bump and I hit my head at the top of this cramped trunk.I passed out.

This cannot be happening...


This book is an experimental one, so let me know if you want more.

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