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It had been an entire week since Aang had seen Katara. They had an apartment in Ba Sing Se for the summer, but Zuko had requested Aang's presence in the mainland to help negotiate some deals with some of the highest ranking members from each nation. "It's important," Katara had said. "If Zuko is requesting you, then you know he really needs the help."

Aang felt terrible for leaving her there all alone, but Katara said she would see if Suki would be willing to visit. Still, he felt guilty. He had told her, "I'm so sorry, Katara – I'll be back early in the morning a week from today. Appa and I will leave before sunrise."

She had caressed his face and felt down his neck as he solemnly held her eyes. Her grin was calming, assuring. "Wake me up the second you get back. I don't care how early."

The meetings with Zuko were boring for the first few days, until Aang had to mediate an argument between generals from the earth kingdom and fire nation. Zuko wasn't much help. He looked straight at Aang, a deference, and Aang had to straighten his shoulders and do what he does best. If only Katara could be there with him to smooth his stress away.

A day before heading back to Ba Sing Se, Aang was walking through the market to find a gift for Katara. He came across a booth that had materials to make jewelry, and chairs surrounding the table. The woman running the booth noticed his lingering gaze and cleared her throat.

"Are you Avatar Aang? ...Or just a big fan of him?"

Aang couldn't help but laugh. "I guess you could say I'm a big fan."

Her eyes grew big. "You're him, aren't you?"

"That's me, yeah."

"Well- um- it's great to meet you! I've never met anyone famous before." She tucked a tuft of hair behind her ear. "I could tell, by your tattoos and all? But I guess that's obvious. Ignore me. So, uh, are you interested in anything?"

Aang's eyes swept the table once more. "How does this work?" He noticed a box full of plain, silver bracelets with no decorations. The rest of the table had hundreds of different charms and beads to choose from.

The woman smiled. "You can make your own charm bracelet, if you'd like. Pick out ten charms and eleven beads, then thread them onto the bracelet."

His eyes widened as he took in the overwhelming options: turtleducks, fruits, trees, boats. He eventually found air nation and water tribe symbols, as well as yellow and blue beads. The woman helped him and ogled at the finished product.

"It's for Master Katara, isn't it?"

Aang blushed. "Do you think she'll like it?"

"You're a fine jeweler, Avatar. She'll love it. Any woman would." She placed the bracelet in a small drawstring bag and brushed his palm as she handed it to him.

Aang felt the woman's eyes linger as he politely bowed and headed back to the palace. It was a boost of confidence for women to show interest in him; he couldn't deny that, but it only made him more excited to go see the woman he loved most.

Finally, the day came. He woke Appa up much before sunrise, apologizing with a basket of apples. "We're gonna go see her, buddy," he whispered. "You know how much we miss her."

He arrived at their apartment in Ba Sing Se a few hours after sunrise, Appa graciously flying quickly at Aang's request. He carefully opened the door and set down some belongings on the floor. His heart was racing. He paused before opening their door, straightening his clothes, preparing to gently wake Katara up from her sleep.

But what he wasn't prepared for when he entered the room was Katara, sleeping on her stomach, one leg bent up. She looked beautiful as she slept, but, man, he didn't expect to find her like this. She wasn't wearing any shorts, just a thin pair of underwear. He gulped as he attempted to register the sight before him – maybe he was still dreaming – maybe she was awake and he should look away before she caught his invasive stare – but even after squinting and shaking his head, she was still there. And he could see all of her. The material around her hips hugged her in even the most intricate places, as if there really wasn't any material at all. Aang had never seen her like this, since they usually were hurried in their lust. Intense guilt nipped at his skin, even though she was his girlfriend, even though she had asked him to come in to wake her up in the morning. The longing, however, nipped slightly stronger.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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