Forced - A Louis Tomlinson Love Story

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Copyright 2014 © 1Dinspiredxx


“Trixie, just promise me okay? Promise me that whatever Jay tells you, you'll do it. I want you to trust her. We had an agreement a long time ago and I think it's about time that you know.” mum said.

She was really really sick and weak, I felt like this is her way of saying goodbye, but I couldn't just let go of her. I'm definitely not ready yet.

“What are you talking about mum? Are you trying to tell me something?” I said through the tears.

“Just listen to me okay? I feel like the time has come. I love you Trix, forever and always.” mum said breathing her last breath before she left me.

I was crying nonstop now. All I could think of was her last request, her last request that I didn't even understand.

“I promise mum. I promise to listen to this Jay person. I'll do it for you.” I told her lifeless body and kissed her forehead.


-3 days later-

I was preparing to go to my mum's funeral. I can't believe that it's been three days. Three days since my mum left me. Three days since I've slept and ate properly. Three days that I have been deciphering her last request. Who was Jay? Why was mum telling me to follow whatever she says? Is she going to adopt me? There were a lot of questions I wanted to ask my mum. So many things that she kept from me, even her last request left me so confused.

-knock knock-

“Come in.” I said fixing my black lace dress. A woman comes in my room smiling at me.

“Hello love, may I come in?” she said smiling.

“Oh. Uhm of course. Come in.” I said returning her warm smile.

“Hello Trixie. You might be wondering who I am, but before I tell you I wanted to ask how you were sweetie.” she said. She was really motherly. She made me feel like my mother was here beside me making the unwanted tears threatening to spill over.

“Uhm. I-I've been better.” I managed to stutter out forcing a smile.

“Oh sweetheart, you can tell me anything. I know it must've been very hard for you. You may not know me yet but I promise to take care of you, I'll never leave your side for the entire duration of the ceremony.” she said surprising me with a hug.

Wait. Is she who I think she is?

“Are-are you Jay?” I asked her unsure.

“Well, I didn't think you'd know me. Did Sam tell you who I was?” she asked me a bit shocked that I knew who she was.

“She did. But not enough. She only told me to trust you and that I should follow whatever you say. She told me that you guys had an agreement about something? Those were her last words to me.” I said clearly remembering her last request.

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