AN - IMPORTANT - Surprise Inside

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Hi guys! 

I know it's been a while. If you know me, i don't put ANs on any of my stories. Usually only at the end of a chapter or at the beginning, but never a full chapter. The reason why is i've got a lot to talk about. I'll start now, yeah?

1. The Reason

I wanted to tell you guys the reason why I decided to discontinue Forced. The main reason is because i just really lost the interest in continuing this story. At the beginning this was sort of a stress reliever for me, but then people became more demanding and would often message me (privately) to update, not even in the nice way might i add. 

I did have an Epilogue written for this and a couple of Bonus Chapters. (details on this later) I wanted to continue but during this time, i was having a hard time with my studies and i really had to focus on that more. And when i wanted to continue this i already had a bad case of writer's block. 

So, that's the reason i decided to discontinue. 

2. A Surprise

So, like i said earlier, i did write an Epilogue and a couple of bonus chapters. It's still in a rough draft but it will give the story a bit of closure. And i'm not so sure if i should post it. 

Who am i kidding? Since i love all of my readers so much, i decided to post the Epilogue and 2 Bonus Chapters. 

But there's a catch. 

*cue evil laugh here*

3. Unlocking the Surprise

So, those who follow me might know what i'm talking about. But i'll say it here anyways. 

I wrote a new book about a show that i'm currently obsessed with, Shadowhunters. Well, technically, not the show but a certain Mr. Matthew Daddario. And I am as proud of this as I am of Forced. 

You might ask, "Why did she say that? This has clearly nothing to do with a 1D fanfic." But that's where you're wrong. 

In order for you all to unlock the Epilogue and 2 Bonus Chapters, I would want some reads on my new book. People might say that-this is such a desperate move, blah blah blah-i don't care. 

I want to share with my readers, old and new, that even if these are completely different fandoms, people can be interested on two things at the same time right? 

4. Reads = Keys

So in order for you guys to unlock the 3 chapters, i just want more reads in my new book. (the synopsis of which, i'll post in a while) Here's how it goes:

1,000 reads = Epilogue

3,000 reads = Bonus Chapter #1

5,000 reads = Bonus Chapter #2

But that's not all!!!!

 If you guys get me votes too, I'll post a very special chapter! It's more of a crossover between Forced and the new book.

500 votes = Crossover Chapter

Now that one's special! It can be between the number of reads or after, it doesn't matter. You'll LOVEEEEE the crossover chapter. I promise!

5. The Reckless & The Brave

So, if you're reading the new book, here is the synopsis and the book cover. 

She says she's not into relationships, never was

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She says she's not into relationships, never was. She hates the complexity of it; the responsibility that comes with it. She knows that if she ever enters one, that it would be one hell of a ride. But despite being not into relationships, she can't help but imagine what it was like to be in one. She would imagine the perfect man that she would eventually fall in love with and envision the life they begin together. All this was at the age of 22.

He was just waiting for the right person, though he dates around, he never found her yet. He's a closet romantic but a strict and controlling person when he needs to be. He loves the mystery surrounding a woman. He wanted nothing more than to have his own share of happiness, something he can see in his own parents. He wanted to fall in love. He was 24.


She never thought that their paths would cross again.

He was waiting for this moment to arrive.

A curve ball gets thrown their way, but is it really 'the' sign that they needed to fix everything between them? Or is it just something that could potentially ruin it for them forever?

And all of these complications started when they were once the Reckless and the Brave.

6. Thank you!

So, now that we got that all out of the way, i would like to thank all of my readers. Yes, all of my readers, whether you comment or not, or just read the book, that's fine. Thank you!

Thank you for your continued support! It means a lot to a writer when a reader gives constructive criticism and gives their honest opinions. You guys know who you are. Thank you!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I love you all! xx

Here are kisses from Matt! Again, thank you! And hopefully, i'll see you in the next three bonus chapters of this book? 😉 And i'll definitely see you in The Reckless & The Brave. 


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