Chapter 5

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Copyright 2014 © 1Dinspiredxx

Louis POV

I don't know why I felt so bad after I told Harry I'd make her sleep on the couch. Well, I wouldn't do that normally. Oh Lou. What has gotten into you? I went inside my room to rest. But what surprised me was that I saw Trixie in there. But I didn't expect to see her on the couch sound asleep. What was more surprising was that her suitcases weren't unpacked yet. It's like she never even touched them ever since we arrived. Should I just leave her in the couch or should I bring her to my-our bed?

I decided that i've been bad enough to her and I lifted her light body into my bed. I noticed that she was wearing her day clothes but I don't think she'll like it if I changed her right now. I tucked a strand of her hair and that's when I noticed a tatoo behind her ear. It was the double infinity sign. I've only seen it once, in the TV show Revenge. Harry and I would usually have series marathons and- my inner thoughts were interupted by Trixie shifting.

I thought she woke up but apparently she was having a very bad dream. She kept on mumbling things I couldn't understand. I sat on the opposite side of the bed and I stroke her back to calm her down. It worked and her breathing went back to normal.

Looking at her I see why mum and the lads say she was pretty. She is beyond pretty, she's beautiful. And she looks so peaceful. Looking at her face, I think-I know that what they've been telling me is true. She seems nice and friendly. I honestly don't know why i'm acting like a douche around her. I've never acted like this around new people, but around Trixie? I don't want to make her feel bad but I can't technically stop myself.

With these thoughts I finally drifted off to sleep.

Trixie POV

I shifted my body to the left to feel a little bit more comfortable. But I realized that I should have fell of the couch already. And is the couch this soft? I woke up in a start. I wasn't in the couch. I was in the bed, with Louis. Wait-WITH LOUIS?! Why am I here? Didn't I sleep in the couch last night? While I was racking my brain for what happened. I stood up and checked the time. It was 6 am and I know that everyone is still asleep.

I looked back at Louis and I saw him peacefully sleeping in the bed. Aww, he looks so cute when he's sleeping. Woah. Where did that come from? Ugh. Getting frustrated, I opened one of my suitcases and got some confortable clothes and changed in Louis' bathroom making sure to lock the door.

I know that this is technically 'my' flat too but I think that it would be rude to touch all of their stuff. But I somehow have to pay them back for letting me stay here. So I did what I do best, I cooked.

It was 8 am and I just about finished cooking our breakfast when Harry came in the kitchen in only his boxers.

“What smells so good?” he mumbled sleepily.

“Oh. uhm if you don't mind, I kind of cooked breakfast for us. I'm sorry if i'm intruding.” I said stacking up the pancakes on a plate and putting them on the table.

“What did I tell you, Trixie? This is your house too so I don't think that you cooking for us is a bad thing.” he said taking a seat and getting pancakes to eat.

“So, uhm, is it good? I'm sorry, I haven't been cooking lately. Do you just want to order or something?” I rambled on.

“Trixie, this is amazing. Stop putting yourself down. I've noticed that everytime we try to compliment you, you always disagree, even if it's true.” he said eating more pancakes.

“You see Haz, I'm not the most confident around people because of some things that happened before. I'm not sure that I'm ready to share it yet though.” I said shyly.

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