Chapter 1: Beacon Hills

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*Annabeth's POV*

This is so not fair. Just when I thought Percy and I could finally be together, the gods have to send him off to Beacon Hills, California, while the rest of us are banned from going there and helping until Percy returns. I mean couldn't they have sent someone else? No, I guess they couldn't have. Percy is the best for this job. He is good at reading people and is quick to make friends. But also enemies, which is why the gods should've let me go with him. Not only so that we could be together but also so I could help him in figuring out who to trust and who not to trust, and to keep his mouth in check. But I can't go, so I will have to trust Percy. And I do trust him, sometimes I trust him more than I trust myself.

The gods didn't even give us much time to say goodbye. After Zeus told Percy where he was going they gave us five minutes to say our goodbyes. And that was after Percy protested from being flashed out right then and there. He told me to go to Camp Jupiter so that if he needed to contact me, I would be closer. I didn't argue, I wanted to be as close to him as possible. Then he said goodbye to the rest of our friends and the gods flashed him out to wherever Beacon Hills was.

Right now I am packing a few essentials to take with me to Camp Jupiter; my sword that Damasen made me, my bronze dagger that I got from that strange magician, Sadie Kane, or actually from her wand, some extra clothes, and a few books, the rest of my stuff is already at the other camp. I head out of my cabin and into the bright sunshine. Camp Half-Blood is bustling with activity; campers are hanging out in the strawberry fields, picking strawberries, others are playing volleyball, or trying the climbing wall, and most are sword playing or sparing with each other. A normal day for Camp Half-Blood. I see smiles all around, and a big group of people have gathered around at the beach to greet Leo and listen to his tales of where he had been for the past three weeks. Calypso is by his side, interjecting at parts when Leo forgot something, but she is mostly quiet. I figure it is going to take time for her to get used to being around so many people after being alone on an island for thousands of years.

I walk over to Half Blood Hill where a new portal was installed to take you to Camp Jupiter. I turn around to look at all of the campers and I smile. They deserve to be happy after all we have been through. I turn back to the portal and step through.

*Scott's POV*

School has just started. It is a few months after we found out who the Benefactor was and Peter was put into Eichen House. Nothing really happened over the summer, and now school has begun again.

It is a normal Wednesday, nothing really interesting has happened yet today, except there is a new kid named Percy. He seems cool, he is a little guarded, and I can't seem to smell any emotion on him. So that could mean one of two things, one is that he is really good at hiding his emotions or two, he is something else, something dangerous. Either way I think I should befriend him, that way I can keep an eye on him if he is a threat.

As I walk into my third period, which is gym class, Percy is already there and in his gym clothes. I walk up to him and introduce myself, "Hey, my name is Scott McCall."

"Percy." He says. He stands up from where he was sitting on the bench and I finally get a good look at him. He is a couple inches taller than me and he has messy jet black hair, like he tries to tame it but it just does its own thing. He is very tan and muscular, which isn't very surprising because pretty much everyone in California is tan and muscular. The thing that surprises me most about him is his eyes. The are sea green and they practically pulse with power, but they seem to hold a type of sadness that I've never seen before.

"So, are you from around here?" I ask him.

"No, I'm from New York." I must look surprised because he laughs. "Why is that so surprising?"

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