Chapter 5: A Call Too Short For Comfort

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*Annabeth's POV*

It isn't exactly lunch time, it's a little early, but me and Frank decide to eat lunch anyways. As we get to the mess hall I see that Reyna and Jason are already there. They are probably discussing Jason's plans to build shrines for all of the gods. I don't know how long that is going to take but I'm glad he is doing it because the minor gods don't always get the respect they deserve.

"Hey guys!" Jason shouts as he waves us over, "Annabeth, can you help with the designs of the new temples and shrines?"

"Of course! I would love to help." I say as I sit in a chair at the table.

Jason smiles at me widely, "Great! Thank you!" He turns to Frank, "I think we should also rebuild Neptune's temple. You know, make it more respected. After all one of his descendant's and one of his son's helped save the world."

Frank grins, "That's a great idea! I'm sure Percy will be very excited about that."

I look down at the food that one of the wind spirits had brought me and sigh. "Yes, Percy will be ecstatic."

Reyna grabs my hand and squeezes it to reassure me, "Hey, Percy is probably the most capable demigod I know, I'm sure he'll be fine." I nod. "Also, Frank and I need your help to rebuild the Senate House. I was thinking we could incorporate some Greek architecture into it to show how the two camps are getting along. I know it's a lot of work so if you want I can have someone else do it."

"No it's fine, maybe all this work will help me take my mind off of Percy." I shrug my shoulders, "And we need to rebuild this camp since for the past weeks we've been rebuilding Camp Half-Blood. Maybe we can get Leo and the Hephaestus Cabin to help." Suddenly I hear my phone ring. I quickly grab it from my pocket and look at who it is. "Percy." I say quietly. I hit the answer button and stand up, putting the phone to my ear. "Percy?" I walk away from the table.

"Hey, Wise Girl." As soon as Percy's voice fills my ear I let out a sigh of relief I didn't realize I was holding. "I have to make this quick. I need your advice on something."

Only now do I hear the sirens in the background, "Percy, what have you gotten yourself into this time? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Annabeth. There was a body that we found behind the climbing wall on the field so they called the police. And then a hellhound showed up so everyone ran away and I had to kill it."

"Did anyone see you? Did you figure out if you can trust those monsters yet? When are you coming home?" I ask.

"So many questions, so little time. Yes two of the people I'm watching saw me kill the hellhound and I'm pretty sure I can trust them but I need to ask you, do you think I should tell them who I am? Like that I'm a demigod? Because I feel like I will be able to get closer to them that way and they will trust me more. So then I can ask them questions."

I think about it for a second. "It's a good idea. But don't tell them the real reason why you're there because they might not understand and they might turn on you." I pause for a second before asking, "Do you know what they are?"

"Well I know that one of them is a werewolf, his name is Scott and I'm pretty sure he is the alpha."

"How can you tell?"

"I don't know, everyone just seems to listen to him and they trust him." I nod even though he can't see me. "I have to go now."

"What? But we've hardly talked at all. I miss you Percy."

"I miss you too Wise Girl. I'm sorry, but they are going to be wondering where I am. I'll talk to you soon. I love you."

"Wait-" Before I can say anything else he hangs up the phone. It's not until after I put my phone in my pocket that I realize he didn't answer the most important question, When are you coming home?

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