Chapter 6: Storytime

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*Scott's POV*

Stiles and I get to the school parking lot where most of the students have gathered. I don't know what was said over the announcements to explain the events that just took place but it has some people looking terrified while others look bored. That's understandable, considering past events.

I see Sheriff Stilinski at the entrance to the school with Parrish. Stiles also sees them and runs over to them with me close behind. The wait for us to get to them before they head inside the school and to the field. "Stiles, you better have an explanation."

"Why would you think that I would have an explanation?" Stilinski gives Stiles a look and so Stiles, "Ok, usually I would have an explanation but not this time. I have no idea what's going on."

"Scott?" Stilinski looks at me questioningly,

I shrug my shoulders. "I don't know either. I've never seen this thing before."

"What are you talking about?" Stilinski asks.

My body tenses, Percy told us not to say anything about him. Did Stilinski not know about the beast? The hellhound, as Percy called it. "What are you talking about?"

"The dead body. And the off course garbage truck that everyone is saying came from the forest."

"Right." I sigh. "Well the body has claw marks all over it so the killer has to have been something supernatural."

Stilinski sighs and shakes his head. "Just what I was afraid of. Well let's go see it."

We get out to the field and we see Percy standing by the climbing wall, waiting for us. I give him a questioning look but he shakes his head with a look that says I'll tell you later.

"Who are you?" Parrish asks.

"I'm Percy. I was the one who first saw the body. I thought you might want to get a statement from me or something." Percy has his arms crossed over his chest and his face is one of a person who has never seen a dead body before. I quickly realize he is putting on a show for the cops. "Do you guys know who did this? It's so terrible what happened to her."

"Yes, it is." The sheriff says, ignoring Percy's question. "Tell me what happened."

"Well, we had just been told by Coach that we had to climb the wall and so I challenged Scott and Stiles to try to beat me up to the top. I climbed the wall and when I got to the top I looked down the other side and saw the body. At first I thought it was someone just laying there but then I saw the claw marks and the blood so I called out for Coach who then called 911." As Percy was telling what happened, Stilinski and Parrish walked to the body and examined it.

"What happened after that? I was told a garbage truck burst out of the forest. Where is it now?" Stilinski looks around but there is no truck and no tire tracks.

To save Percy from having to tell whatever he was hiding I jump in by saying, "We can talk about that later." Hinting to Stilinski we shouldn't talk about it in front of Percy. He understands and nods.

"Right, well. Thank you, Percy. You can go now." He nods and walks away. "Why did everyone think the thing was a garbage truck?" Stilinski asks when Percy is out of earshot.

"I'm not entirely sure, but it was not a garbage truck. It was some gigantic beast that was hard to kill. And when it was finally beaten it melted into the shadows. It was very strange." I tried to be as vague as possible while also telling the truth, so that Stilinski would believe me. "Honestly, I have no idea what is going on. I can talk to Deaton about it after school. He might know something."

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