Chapter 3: Behind The Climbing Wall

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*Stiles POV*

The events that happened in the library were a little strange. I don't think Percy saw that I was searching him which is good but the picture he drew caught me off guard. How could he know what the oni looked like? Does he work for them? Did he see them somewhere? I really hope its just a coincidence but coincidences don't happen in Beacon Hills.

When I get to gym for second period I don't see Percy anywhere. He is usually the first one here. Just as the tardy bell rings Percy comes bursting through the door.

"Don't start off the year with tardiness, Jackson." Coach shouts.

"Yes, Coach." Is the reply from Percy. He walks quickly to his locker where he starts to change.

I turn to Scott, "Why do you think he was late?"

"I don't know, does it really matter? He could've just been talking to his teacher." He says.

"Maybe. Oh I forgot to tell you. I hung out with him in the library this morning and he started drawing the oni." He stares at me blankly before realization crosses his face. "Don't ask me how he knows about them. Maybe he works with them? Or he could've seen them?"

"God I hope not. Do you remember what happened the last time they came here?"

"Vividly. It haunts me everyday."

Scott gives me an apologetic look and pats me on the shoulder, "Sorry man, I didn't mean to make you feel bad."

I shrug and Coach blows his whistle, "Listen up ladies! Tryouts for the lacrosse team are this Saturday. So you have two days to prepare. Our team captain Scott McCall will give you all the info you need. But do that on your own time. This is my class and you guys are going to go outside, and show me some laps! And keep going until I tell you to stop, or if you drop dead."

Coach blows his whistle and I groan internally. I hate it when Coach makes us do continuous laps. But I usually drop after the first seven laps and Coach doesn't always make me keep running. We get out to the track and find a horrific scene.

There is a rock climbing wall in the area of grass inside the track and hurdles and tires are set up on the track. This isn't a lap day, this is obstacle course day. Crap. This is even worse then lap day.

I look over to see Coach smiling to himself. I send him a glare when he turns his head. "I hate it when he does that." I say to Scott and Percy.

Percy looks confused. "I thought we were only doing laps."

"Oh yeah, Coach does this to us sometimes. Where he says we are doing laps but then when we get out here we are actually doing the obstacle course." Scott explains.

"Oh, well this should be easy enough." Percy says.

I look at him in surprise, "Are you kidding me? This is some of Coach's hardest exercises. Why are you so excited for it?"

"Well at the summer camp that I go to we have a rock climbing wall. But that one moves and kids throw rocks and stuff at you from the top, so this doesn't scare me."

"Geez this summer camp sounds intense."

"It is. But it is so much fun! It's also where I've met some of my closest friends." Percy looks sad for a moment before he perks up and says, "I'll race you," to Scott and me. He takes off before we have time to reply. Immediately Scott follows him and I sigh and jog after them.

"Come on, Stilinski! Pick up the pace!" Coach yells at me. I start running faster and I reach the bottom of the climbing wall. Percy is already halfway to the top and climbing really fast. He is like a monkey. Scott isn't too far behind him.

I look down for a second to start climbing and I hear Percy yell, "Better luck next- whoa! Hey, Coach! I think there is something you should see." I look up to see Percy pointing at something behind the rock climbing wall so naturally I head around the back to take a look.

When I get there I see a bloody body and I can't even tell who it is because the face is mangled and scratched. "Oh that is disgusting." I turn my head for a moment and see Percy and Scott next to me. I hear Coach running over to us to see what the problem is. When he sees the body he immediately pulls out his phone and dials 911, while I call my dad.

"Alright, everybody back up," Coach says to the group of boys that had gathered around the body. He then says into his phone, "Yeah, we've found a body at the high school track field."

"What is it Stiles?" My dad says in my ear.

"Well we found a body."

He sighs, "What is it this time?" He says to himself. Then he asks me, "Do you know who it is?"

"No the face is mangled. Like an animal attacked it, but it looks like its a girl."

"Alright, I'll be there in five minutes." He hangs up.

I was really hoping this year would be different. And by different I mean no deaths, no blood, and no scary monsters. But when you live in a supernatural world when nothing happened over the summer, something was bound to occur sooner or later.

I wonder if Percy has anything to do with this. I mean he's here for one day and then there's a body. Scott said that he could smell a god on him. Maybe Percy is the hit man and just doing what the god wants him to. I hope not though, Percy seems like a cool guy. And I'd rather have him as a friend then an enemy.

I look at him and he is scanning the field, looking for something. I'm not exactly sure what. So I go and ask him, "What are you looking for?"

"She's still warm, so that means that the murder happened recently. The killer could still be out there." Percy has his hand in his pocket and a hard look on his face, like he is preparing for a battle.

Scott comes up beside me, "Something doesn't smell right." He whispers. I start chuckling at the pun until he says, "No I mean it literally. Something out there does not smell right. It doesn't fit in with the forest."

Suddenly we here a roar and a big beast jumps out of the forest, heading straight for Percy.


Hello! I know I was supposed to update Saturday but I was a little busy this weekend. I hope you can forgive me.

Also let me know if you would like to see any characters or monsters in this story. What do you want the Beacon Hills characters to meet? That's all for now!


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