Chapter 7: Guess Who's Coming to Town

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*Scott's POV*

"So who is it?" Stiles asks Lydia after she finished screaming.

"What?" Percy asks.

Stiles ignores him and asks Lydia again, "Who is going to die?"

Percy looks confused so I explain, "Lydia is a banshee. She knows when someone is going to die or if someone has died." He nods and looks concerned. I turn to Lydia and repeat what Stiles asked, "Who is going to die, Lydia?"

Lydia looks at Percy like she is seeing him for the first time, "He is."

"When?" Percy asks. For someone who has just been told that they are going to die, he doesn't look scared or worried.

"I'm not sure." Lydia says. "Why aren't you afraid? I just told you that you are going to die."

"I've faced death before and I've been told plenty of times that I am going to die but I haven't yet." Percy says.

Confusion is on Lydia's face. "Oh right, we haven't explained to you what Percy is." I say.

"What do you mean?" Lydia looks even more confused. "Is he supernatural too?"

"I guess you could say that." Percy says, "I'm a demigod. Half human, half--"

"God." Lydia finishes incredulously. "I thought those were just myths." Thunder rolls ominously outside even though there are no clouds in the sky.

"Oh Zeus, stop being so dramatic." Percy says to himself. Then, to Lydia, he says, "Not myths, its all real, blah blah blah, big speech about mythology. I don't think I need to explain it all to you. Plus we should really be talking about how I'm supposed to die soon and how to stop whoever or whatever is trying to kill me."

Lydia nods and so does Stiles. "Ok, so how are we going to do that?" Lydia asks.

"I have no idea." Percy says and suddenly he looks incredibly sad. "I'm usually not the one making the plans."

"Well then it's a good thing I'm here. Because I'm great at making plans." Stiles says. I give him a look that says Really? And he replies with, "Hey, I've gotten better at making plans." I laugh and he rolls his eyes at me.

"But how are we supposed to make a plan if we don't know what we are up against?" Lydia asks.

"Oh well, I was just planning on winging it." Percy says.

Lydia looks at him incredulously. "Are you crazy?"

"Yes I am." He smiles widely.

"Why don't we start with the girl who we found behind the climbing wall." I suggest. "If we find out who she is we might be able to understand why she was killed."

"That's a great idea." Lydia says. "Stiles why don't you take Percy to your dad and me and Scott will catch up with you." We all look at her, confused. Then she gives me a look and I say, "We'll be right behind you."

Stiles shrugs and grabs Percy by the arm pulling him toward the door. Percy throws me a key. "Make sure you lock up before you leave." Percy says, although there really isn't anything in here that would need to be protected. But I nod my head anyways.

Once they've gone, Lydia says to me, "Are you sure you trust Percy?"

"Of course, he hasn't given me any reason not to. He saved my life. Why do you ask?"

She looks worried, "I just sense a lot of death whenever I'm around him. And we hardly know anything about him."

"Actually I know a lot about him. And I would be surprised if you didn't sense death around him. He's been through a lot. Before we came here he told us the story of his life and how he became a demigod." She waits for me to elaborate but I decide its not my story to tell, "I know he wasn't lying. I was listening to his heartbeat and it remained steady. Plus the emotions that he showed could not be faked." She still did not look satisfied, "Percy is a good guy."

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