Chapter 2: Dreams

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*Percy's POV*

I don't know what to think of Scott and his friends. I know they are the monsters I was sent here to observe but I just don't know whether or not they are good monsters or bad monsters. Them seem nice but monsters can be deceitful and make you think they are nice when they actually aren't, I've learned that the hard way.

The first day of school went well, I think. I've become friends with the potential threat and we are learning something in history that I actually know about! After school I get to my small apartment that the gods put me in and find some extra clothes and food on the kitchen table. I can't cook so I try to use Hestia's power to conjure up a meal. It kind of worked, I got a sandwich but it was just bread and mayo. Not very delicious but I ate it anyways.

I don't really have much to do. I have a t.v. in the apartment and a couch but the t.v. doesn't have cable. I could start on what little homework I have. I know I'm not gonna be here for long but I still want to try to get an okay grade in some of my classes. Especially history since we are learning about the Romans, which is something I know a lot about, both from experience and lessons taught by Annabeth.

I go to the kitchen table and start to put away the food the gods sent me. After I put all of the food away I take the new clothes to my room, which is adjacent to the kitchen. I say 'room' loosely because it just has a bed and a dresser but it's still one of the nicest places I've slept in. Sad I know but that's the life of a demigod.

After I've finished most of my homework I decide to go to sleep since it is 11 pm and I really don't have anything else to do. My dreams start as soon as I close my eyes.

I am in the school with Scott and Stiles and we are running from something. Then I am in what looks like the police station and I'm on the ground completely paralyzed from the neck down. I turn my head and come face to face with some lizard type thing before it hisses and runs away.

The dream changed and I'm in some sort of apartment with Scott, Stiles, a guy, and a woman. Scott throws something onto the woman and her face changes to something horrifying, it is covered in scars and slash marks, like some animal attacked her.

The image shifts and I'm in a room but its snowing and it looks sort of Japanese. There are four samurai looking people, a person whose face is wrapped in bandages and Scott, Stiles, Lydia, and Kira. Stiles has a sword at his chest and he is getting ready to stab himself with it but then a look of realization crosses his face. He says something and Scott turns to the samurai and starts walking toward them with Kira right behind him. The samurai slash their swords across Scott and Kira and yet they keep going until they get to the person with the bandages.

Now I'm on the roof of a building and I can see Scott struggling with someone with very pointy teeth while trying to hold Liam because he is dangling from the side of the building. The guy with pointy teeth grabs both of Scott's hands so he has to use his teeth to keep Liam from falling. All of a sudden there is a tomahawk jutting from the pointy teeth kid's back. Scott grabs Liam pulls him up and I look to where the tomahawk came from. There is a man but he doesn't have a mouth, like where his mouth should be there is just skin. He brings his finger up to where his mouth should be, silently telling Scott to keep quiet, and then turns and leaves.

I wake up in a cold sweat. What the heck was that? I don't know whether the gods or the Fates sent me those images but they seemed to be from the past. Is that some of the things that happened to Scott and his friends? It looks like they've been through a lot. I still can't be sure whether or not they are the good guys though. I wonder if I will have any more of these dreams or if I will have to ask Scott about his past myself. Though that might come off as a little suspicious and I know they don't trust me yet, and they are only getting close to me so they can keep an eye on me.

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