Chapter Thirteen- I will blur your face for the Gram.

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Today and Friday's Chapters are my favorite ones so far... I hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it... So much jealousy and acceptance in this chapter. 

I love to see you guys commenting so if you want to make my day better do so... I read each one of your comments... Every vote is appreciated since it sometimes makes the story reach other readers... but that is your choice to do so! <3

Enjoy my darlings!

Word count: 3479

Word count: 3479

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Felix's POV

Minho, Jeongin, Han, and Seungmin eventually joined us in the kitchen, and we all shared drinks and chips. The room was quickly filled with laughter as Hyunjin skillfully bartended for all of us, handing out the drinks of preference to each one of us.

Suddenly, he paused mashing some cherries for a martini and directed his attention towards Seungmin. "Did you send the file to Chan?" he inquired.

Seungmin nodded, replying, "Yes, I sent it as soon as I finished uploading Jisung's pictures to the file. He responded, confirming that he received them and mentioned his plan to work on them tonight. He also asked me to tell you to call him once you are done here. He is going to be at his office and wants you and Minho to come to help,"

Chan must be the assistant, right? The one that had left before we even got here...

Hyunjin let out a sigh of relief, expressing his gratitude with a heartfelt, "Thank you for doing this for me, Seungmin," he said as he gave Seungmin the drink he had requested, "I owe you big time,"

They seemed to be too comfortable with each other, so I couldn't help but jealously ask, "Do you guys go way back or something?" The words coming out are snarkier than I intended...

Amused, Seungmin took a sip of his reddish drink and chuckled. He stared at Hyunjin and smiled before responding, "Oh yeah, we have history alright. Me and Hyunjin did business back in the day before I tied the knot."

And that was it... The moment when my brain almost blew a fuse, all the pieces falling into place when I remembered what Jeongin said before— of course— Seungmin worked for Fantasy Mates before marrying his then-client who now happens to be his husband.

The realization soured my mood, and I couldn't hide my annoyance as it became evident on my face. Biting the inside of my mouth, all I could think was the fact that Seungmin... SEUNGMIN fucked him... Or Hyunjin fucked Seungmin? Fucking hell... The thing is that he fucked my sugar...

"Ah— Is that right?" I whispered darkly, then Seung— fucking— min started to laugh at me before turning his head back to look at Hyunjin, "Do you have any salsa to pair these chips with?" He said trying to change the subject. He must've signed an NDA like I did...

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