Thanksgiving *ੈ✩

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3rd person POV

Daphne is woken up by whimpering and crying on the monitor, she jolts up when realizing who and what it was. Jumping out of bed and rushing to the door.

She stops in her tracks when she sees Lucy's door half way open and the crying has stopped. Hearing some mumbles and cooing, She slowly creeps up to the door and peeks in only to have her heart melt from inside of her.

The sight of her mother with little Lucy in her arms in the rocking chair. By the wrapped up dirty diaper and dirty clothes on the changing table she assumed remy has changed her already.

Remy was more then happy to help. when she heard Lucy whimpering and crying, her grandma mood kicked in faster then ever. She happily changed and dressed her.

She was very excited to change Lucy into the little outfit that she bought her for thanksgiving

She was very excited to change Lucy into the little outfit that she bought her for thanksgiving

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She was so excited to show Daphne and Sebastian. She was very proud of how well it matches little lucy. Lucy happened to like it just as much as her grandma

Remy happily rocked in the chair as she told Lucy stories about Daphne when she was little. Lucy giggled at the funny faces and funny voices remy would make, she felt safe and happy to be in her arms. She was also excited of the fact that her papa and best friend will be with her today. Even her favorite auntie and uncle.

Daphne happily walked back to her room and plopped down next to Sebastian who was snoring loudly. For a man cover in tattoos and a huge muscle build is snoring like a bear in hibernation.
But once he felt a weight plop down on the bed it brought him awake

"My love?" He asked

"Yes, I'm here" she replied, she paused as she snuggled closer into him

"Lucy was crying, but when I got to her room my mother had already changed her completely. She was rocking her in the chair as she told stories. It was adorable" Daphne stated

"Aww really? Hopefully the monitor caught it" Sebastian chuckled as he continued with his eyes closed

They laid their together for a good while before it was time to get up and start preparing for thanksgiving. Joshua, Felix, harmony, and Jordy were all coming over. It was exciting to spend time with more people this year instead of being by themselves.

Daphne showers and dresses into a simple but sexy

Daphne showers and dresses into a simple but sexy

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