(Chaos Arc) Chapter 1 - The Inheritance

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Long ago, there were unseen gateways to unseen realms which were the origin of the myths and legends of elves, dwarves, dragons, and other different types of creatures. However, as time went by, they slowly ceased to exist from the stories of the people and the stories were regarded as myths and legends since there was no way to prove they exist as they could not be seen.

However, little did people know that there was a network of spiritual heroes who have been closing off these links to the magical worlds spanning every world religion, so that our human world remains safe from the dangers of supernatural magic.

Albeit from the same network, they go by different names in every country. Despite differing in name, language, culture, political and personal views, they remain united and they have done everything they could to keep the human world free from contact with and also knowledge of the forgotten realms.

Religious purists and experts have pointed out that much of the knowledge of the forgotten realms have been condensed into popular fiction media such as novels, movies, dramas, cartoons, Japanese anime, video games, and card games, with minor or major alterations to content for the ease of appealing to audiences, and also keeping the general public oblivious to the truth, because knowledge of all these in more accurate detail may enable people to gain access, and gaining access would mean gaining power, and power in the wrong hands can be deadly. Just imagine the damage inflicted by the atomic bomb, except the damage would be on a spiritual scale. However, even with such symbols and concepts embedded in our culture, the damage is already extensive, but subtle.

The same group of religious purists have also revealed, that the demons influencing our lives are not located in hell according to popular and common religious beliefs, but in the sky above us, known otherwise as the "Second Heaven", which is very much in the air around us, which is why some would also say that it is not possible to go to the actual heaven without getting past "Second Heaven" after we die, if we surrender ourselves to the influences of the legions of devils, whom we may already be unknowingly pledging our allegiance to by succumbing to our forbidden desires instead of praying more to become holy. Of course, that does not mean that we would go to hell unless we become too wicked and irredeemable. However, the demonic influences over our lives would prevent us from living our lives to our fullest and with greater purpose.

However, are these other worlds really that evil, or are they just beyond what our human intelligence can handle. Would it be possible that one day, humans would be well equipped enough with the intelligence to understand these worlds and live in harmony with them, and wars of the unseen and spiritual come to an end?

Until then, no one can run away from the laws of nature, the cycle of life, death, and rebirth, and the laws of the unseen supernatural world.

Wyvern Usamuratha Naresathewet (อุษามุรธา นเรศเทเวศร์) loved to read up about ideas related to fantasy, spirituality, and foreign cultures that can be used for writing fantasy novels. His nickname was "Vern".

Vern did not manage to finish his education in Thailand during the last lap of his compulsory education due to some unfortunate events that involved some unfairness, but there was a blessing amidst a disaster, where an online novel writing competition earned him the opportunity to study in England under a scholarship, called the 'Wonderwall Scholarship'.

With neither kith nor kin apart from an inheritance to ensure that he could survive without work, he had nothing to hold him back. Off to England he went, to study Cosmic Power Engineering at the Wonderwall Academy, located in a pocket dimension accessible by a dimensional gate visible only by those with the 'sight', or the ability to see the supernatural.

Once he entered the academy, he realized that his entire lifetime in education before this was a waste of time. In the academy, there was magical training to accelerate the absorption of knowledge of the different professional fields all over the world by accessing a universal database of knowledge in an alternate dimension called the 'Akashic Records', making all the knowledge he acquired in school to be child's play, and all the time wasted on human drama and stupid rules in school.

Other than that, he trained further and specialized in battle magic and martial arts, including his country's national martial art of Muay Thai. However, he chose to develop his skills with the sword, and rose to becoming a warrior class called Vikings, who are professionals in getting rid of supernatural threats around the world whose skill levels enable them to work on their own without the need to work in a team.

Vern's parents left behind an inheritance after they passed on and the inheritance included a sky-blue-coloured armoured suit, only to be worn after he became a Viking. Apparently this was the armour worn by his foster-grandfather and foster-father who served as Vikings for the Wonderwall Academy and training new blood for the role of Vikings or elite fighters of other classes. Upon researching further, he found out that he was the descendant and also reincarnation of the legendary Dragon Slayer, Siegfried, and the armour was worn by him. The armour contained the power of the dragon Fafnir which Siegfried slew in his time, and the power of the armour could not be tamed until he went through a certain level of training.

Vern had the nerdy Asian look, but he didn't have problem socializing, though it was just that he didn't do very well with small talk and preferred to do his own research and acquire knowledge and information. He originally wore glasses but didn't need them since his magic training improved his eyesight and enhanced his other physical capabilities. The information that he acquired about his armour was not very pleasant. It had a long history of being worn for evil by its previous wearers, and the armour absorbed the blood and resentment of its victims. However, it was his family's bloodline that had the power to overcome the evil inside and further harness its untapped power to overcome the demons. The armour went by the unpleasant name 'Wyvern Knight', and whoever worn it inherited that name. Along with the armour set was a dagger that he could use as the substitute for a magic wand. Magic wands were usually made from trees with magical capabilities that could not be found in the non-magic human world. However, this one was made from metal, and could be used both as a wand and a dagger.

There was a reason for spending so much time and effort to train this team of Vikings. There was an invisible enemy. Their enemy was the invisible team of supernatural enemies who could adopt a non-physical form and roam around the world to corrupt humanity, and in that state they were indestructible. However, the Vikings were given the power to emit certain kinds of mild radioactive rays that did not harm humans or life forms in general on Earth to force the supernatural unseen enemy to adopt a more vulnerable and mortal physical state or face certain death by disintegration of non-physical body and consciousness if he or she did not revert to his or her physical form. When invisible, they were visible to no-one except those without the 'sight' or 'ability to see the intangible supernatural beings'. If vanquished in its physical state, it would lose its power to do harm in its non-physical state for a long though not indefinite period of time.

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